The Club

201 Files

  • Mission 2

    • Session 4-5: Add 1 Corruption for wearing GU.SHUB while reconning the Moore house.

    • Session 5: Add 1 Corruption for wearing SANGUSH at the Mansa concert.

    Mission 3

    • Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for witnessing visitor at Marshall's party.

    • Session 3: Add 4 Corruption for using Reality Shard on Marshall to heal him.

    • Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the clock.

    • Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to steal the clock.

    • Intersession 7: Add 10 Corruption for adding 10 to Fast-Talk check with kusarikku.

    • Intersession 7: Add 11 Corruption for adding 11 to Psychology check with kusarikku.

    • Intersession 7: Add 14 Corruption for powering up Pyrokinesis to 20.

    Mission 5

    • Intersession 5: Add 1 Corruption to Mitch for boosting Detect (History) B to get a crit on analysis in SRI.

    • Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption to Mitch for using GU.SHUB while surveilling Green.

    • Intersession 7: Add 1 Corruption for Mitch using SANGUSH to get behind the front desk to get Uri's party's room numbers.

    Mission 6

    • Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for Mitch healing Jiyu.

    Mission 7

    • Session 2: Convert 25 points of Corruption to 1-point Corruption Quirk. Delusion: Increasing detachment from the day-to-day reality of the world of History A ("Mitch knows he's a character in a piece of fiction" mixed with "Everyone but The Club is a fake person so they don't matter as much.”)

    • Session 6: Add 1 Corruption for using the GU.SHUB glyph in the Agrigenics basement.

    • Intersession 7: Add 10 Corruption for powering up Remote Viewing and Cure for Zeb.

    Mission 8

    • Intersession 3: Add 3 Corruption for using the Norton Coin in a Fast-Talk attempt.

    • Intersession 5: Add 10 point Mental Disadvantage (Fright Check, Delusion: Increasing detachment from the day-to-day reality of the world of History A ("Mitch knows he's a character in a piece of fiction" mixed with "Everyone but The Club is a fake person so they don't matter as much.”)) to Mitch's character sheet

    • Intersession 5: Add 1 Corruption to boost Cure on Marshall

    • Intersession 5: Add 1 Corruption to boost Cure on Marshall

    • Session 7: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph at the Walker shipyards.

    Intermission 8

    • Add 7 Corruption for healing Alan Watts’s liver.

    • Add 4 Corruption for healing Jano’s liver.

    Intermission 9

    • Add 39 Corruption for trying to light Alpha Leonis on fire in 1935

    • Add 39 Corruption for trying to light Alpha Leonis on fire in 1935

    • Add 39 Corruption for trying to light Alpha Leonis on fire in 1935

    • Convert 125 points of Corruption to 5-point Disadvantage: Odious Personal Habit (Mitch can't always stop himself from talking about how no one and nothing is real).

    Mission 10

    • Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation CANNABIS

Martin, Roger

  • REN-SLOT_01: Electronics Operation (Psychotronics)-12 (1 hour)

  • Mission 2

    • 1 (from using SANGUSH glyph in Oakland on Thursday, March 29)

    • 1 (from using SANGUSH glyph in Oakland on Friday, March 30)

    • Session 4-5: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph at the Moore household.

    • Session 5: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph at the Mansa concert.

    Mission 4

    • Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH behind the front desk

    • Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the clock.

    • Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to steal the clock.

    • Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to pry loose the plaque.

    Mission 8

    • Intersession 4: Add 10 point Mental Disadvantage (Sense of Duty, Veterans) to Roger's character sheet.

    • Intersession 4: Add 4 Corruption for Kalfu's speech.

    • Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption to Roger to boost Mimicry.

    • Session 7: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the Walker shipyards.

    Mission 9

    • Intersession 4: Add 6 Corruption for a crit Hypnotism on Father Dan

    Mission 10

    • Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation TOBACCO

  • Advantages:

    • Absolute Direction: 5 points
    • Oracle (Reduced Time +5): 30 points
    • Papa Legba/San Petro Talent 4 (Electronics Operation (Security), Escape, Forced Entry, Immovable Stance, Lockpicking, Religious Ritual (Voudon)): 20 points
    • Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
    • Resistant (Stun and Shock; Immunity): 30 points
    • ST Bonus +3 (ST-13): 30 points


    • Basic Move Penalty -3 (Basic Move 3): -15 points
    • Delusion (“I am the Opener of the Way”; Severe): -15 points
    • Lame (Crippled Legs): Judo-8, Knife-10: -10 points
    • Stooped Posture: -1 point

    Skills († denotes skills Roger does not have):

    • Electronics Operation (Security)-17†: 1 point
    • Escape-15†
    : 1 point
    • Forced Entry-17†
    : 1 point
    • Immovable Stance-15†
    : 1 point
    • Lockpicking-19†
    : 1 point
    • Religious Ritual (Voudon)-17:
    1 point

    85 points

  • Advantages:

    • The Devil’s Tongue (Omnilingual, only while interacting directly with humans while embodying loa): 28 points
    • Maître Carrefour/El Diablo Talent 4 (Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Hypnotism, Mimicry (Speech)): 20 points
    • Night Vision 5: 5 points
    Precognition (Ill Fortune Only, Tactics-17 when used to predict likely outcomes): 15 points
    • Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
    • Voice (+2 to reaction rolls): 10 points


    • Addiction (Rum): -15 points
    • Delusion (“I am the Master of the Crossroads”; Severe): -15 points
    • Odious Personal Habit (Stinks of Gunpowder): -1 points
    • Supernatural Feature (No Shadow): -10 points

    Skills († denotes skills Roger does not have, bonuses from Voice included where applicable):

    • Detect Lies-15†: 1 point
    • Diplomacy-17†
    : 1 point
    • Fast-Talk-18†
    : 1 point
    • Hypnotism-19
    : 1 point
    • Mimicry (Speech)-17†
    : 1 point

    47 points

  • Advantages:

    • Ally (Agent 00 Cheval Trainees, 100% of starting points, 6 or less, Group Size 6-10): 15 points
    Appearance (Handsome): 12 points
    Charisma 2: 10 points
    Debonair Spy Talent 2 (Acting, Carousing, Connoisseur, Fast-Talk, Gambling, Holdout, Savoir-Faire, Sex Appeal, Sleight of Hand): 10 points
    • Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
    • Special Rapport (Agent 00 Cheval Trainees): 5 points


    • Compulsive Gambling (12 or less): -5 points
    • Delusion (“I am a suave, cinematic super spy”): -10 points
    • Odious Personal Habit (Womanizer): -1 point
    • Overconfidence (12 or less): -5 points

    Skills († denotes skills Roger does not have, bonuses from Charisma, Appearance, Debonair Spy included where applicable):

    • Acting-15: 1 point
    • Carousing-17: 1 point
    Connoisseur (Visual Arts)-14†: 1 point
    Diplomacy-11†: 1 point
    • Fast-Talk-14†: 1 point
    Gambling-15†: 2 points
    • Guns (Pistol)-15†: 7 points
    • Holdout-17: 6 points
    Leadership-14†: 1 point
    Public Speaking-14†: 1 point
    Savoir-Faire (High Society)-15†: 1 point
    Sex Appeal-19†: 1 point
    Sleight of Hand-13†: 1 point

    61 points

  • Advantages:

    • Basic Speed 6.75: 5 points
    Born to Be Wired: 20 points
    Contact Group (Online Associates, Skill Level 15, 9 or less, Somewhat Reliable): 10 points
    Gadgeteer (H4xx0r): 25 points
    • Gizmo: 5 points
    • Luck: 15 points
    • Photographic Memory: 10 points
    • Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
    • Signature Gear (TL 7+1 modem/phone box): 5 points


    • Appearance: Ugly: -8 points
    • Delusion (“I am the ghost in the machine”): -15 points
    • Loner: -5 points
    • Nearsighted (Mitigator): -10 points
    • Odious Personal Habit (the Phunk): -10 points
    • Overconfidence (6 or less): -10 points
    • Sense of Duty (the Little Guy): -10 points

    Skills († denotes skills Roger does not have, bonuses from Born to Be Wired included where applicable):

    • Computer Hacking-15†: 2 points
    • Computer Operation-18†: 2 points
    Computer Programming-16†: 2 points
    Criminology-14†: 4 points
    • Cryptography-16†: 2 points
    Detect Lies-13†: 4 points
    Electronics Operation (Communications)-14†: 4 points
    • Electronics Operation (Security)-15: 6 points
    Electronics Operation (Sensors)-14†: 4 points
    • Electronics Operation (Surveillance)-15: 6 points
    Electronics Repair (Computers)-17†: 2 points
    Engineer (Electrical)-13†: 4 points
    Engineer (Electronics)-13†: 4 points
    Engineer (Microtechnology)-13†: 4 points
    Expert Skill (Computer Security)-16†: 2 points

    84 points

  • Mission 1

    • Intersession 1: 0-point Quirk (Handles unfamiliar objects with gloves) obtained from Psychometry-related Fright Check on Frank’s Steve Canyon strip.

    Mission 2

    • Intersession 2: 0-point Quirk (synesthesia under duress) from Fright Check due to realizations about “bucket and spade” meme.

    • Session 5: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph at the Mansa concert.

    Mission 4

    • Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to steal the clock.

    • Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to pry loose the plaque.

    • Intersession 7: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph on halothane canister on Special Ones.

    Mission 5

    • Intersession 4: Add 3 Corruption from using Psychometry to get a crit/open two-way connection with Pat Price in 1961

    • Intersession 5: Add 5 Corruption from Jo using Psychometry to see exactly what Sophie was doing with “pain” and “precision.”

    • Intersession 7: Add 5 Corruption for Jocasta's read of Puharich with Psychometry.

    Mission 6

    • Intersession 1: Add 3 Corruption for reading the GESHTUG.ULU glyph with Psychometry

    • Intersession 3: Add 5 Corruption for touching the golden walls looking for Charley with Psychometry.

    • Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption for reading the light bulb shard with Psychometry.

    Mission 7

    • Session 3: Add 5 Corruption to boost use of Psychometry on elevator button.

    • Intersession 3: Add 2 Corruption to boost use of Psychometry on apple tree branch.

    • Intersession 3: Add 2 Corruption to boost use of Psychometry on Pruist placard from Genesis.

    • Intersession 3: Convert 25 points of Corruption to 1-point Corruption Quirk: Imaginative. Jocasta basically can't help herself from theorizing about the possibilities whenever she's researching something -- far beyond what's plausible, even within the confines of SANDMAN plausibility.

    • Session 6: Add 5 Corruption for Jo using Psychometry in Butler’s office chair.

    Mission 8

    • Intersession 3: Add 5 Corruption for the Telesend attempt to Marshall.

    • Intersession 7: Add 6 Corruption for using Psychometry on the pillars under Lake Champlain.

    • Session 8: Add 5 Corruption to boost Psychometry at the satellite dish.

    • Intersession 8: Add 5 Corruption for Leadership roll with Pat Price’s future ghost.

    Mission 9

    • Session 2: Add 4 Corruption for adding to Telesend roll to reach Patty Hearst.

    • Intersession 3: Add 10 Corruption from trying to bring Jack London out of the spirit world (4 initial expenditure, 6 to get it to a crit).

    • Intersession 5: Add 5 Corruption from Mind Probe of Patricia: “What do you want?”

    Mission 10

    • Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation CANNABIS

  • Mission 1

    Session 2: Add 5 Corruption for creation of kooks and cranks meme.

    Session 3: Add 1 Corruption for Enthrallment (Sway Emotions) against êkimmu.

    Session 3: Add 4 Corruption for Enthrallment (Persuade).

    Mission 2

    Session 3-4: Add 1 Corruption for Esmology roll (with Sophie's help).

    Session 4-5: Add 6 Corruption for "Mansa are corny and white people should check them out" meme

    Session 4-5: Add 6 Corruption for "The Mansa concert is being postponed/canceled/isn't going to be very good" meme

    Mission 3

    Session 3: Add 3 Corruption for Morgan le Fay disinfo.

    Mission 4

    Session 6: Add 7 Corruption for Meme 1 (4 to Krane), add 9 Corruption for Meme 2, add 9 Corruption for Meme 3.

    Intersession 8: Add 2 Corruption for Public Speaking and 3 Corruption for Enthrallment rolls on Carl.

    Intermission 4: Session 2: Convert 50 points of Corruption to 2-point Corruption Quirk. Personality Change: Stoney.

    Mission 5

    Session 7: Add 1 Corruption for using Esmology at end of session.

    Session 8: Add 5 Corruption to get crit on Esmology to realize the Conspiracy.

    Mission 6

    Intersession 1: Add 6 Corruption on the Intelligence Analysis roll about Mount Shasta.

    Mission 7

    Intersession 2: Add 7 Corruption to Intelligence Analysis roll to aid Marshall’s meme audience evaluation

    Intersession 2: Add 2 Corruption to Expert Skill (Memetics) roll to aid Marshall’s meme design

    Intersession 2: Add 8 Corruption for deploying Marshall’s report memeplex (one Power 6 and one Power 10 meme)

    Intersession 6: Add 6 Corruption for using the Norton Coin in the Agrigenics basement.

    Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for using the SANGUSH glyph in the Agrigenics basement.

    Intersession 6: Add 23 Corruption for the three memes to wrap up Mission 7:

    1. SHORT TERM/LOCAL MEME (cult): Corruption 5

    2. MEDIUM TERM/WIDER SCALE (something in the cereal): Corruption 10

    3. CORPORATE WORLD (Agrigenics comes down): Corruption 8

    Intermission 7: 50 points of Corruption converted to 2 more points of Stoney Quirk, rounded up to 5 to make a full 5-point Stoney Disadvantage (4 points Corruption, 1 point Quirk).

    Intermission 7: Add 5 Corruption to bring Esmology roll with Enki about OZYMANDIAS into crit range

    Add 4 Corruption from activating Esmology on OZYMANDIAS

    Add 2 Corruption to bring Intel Analysis roll with Stoney about OZYMANDIAS into crit range

    Mission 8

    Session 3: Add 2 Corruption for his part in the “Arsenal of Democracy” (effective Power 7) meme to be released in Central Ohio

    Intersession 4: Add 9 Corruption for boosting Persuade.

    Intersession 4: Add 2 Corruption for activating Persuade.

    Intersession 6: Add 9 Corruption for "Reinhardt was a traitor/Ransom is in charge now" meme.

    Intersession 7: Add 7 Corruption for Fast-Talk roll convincing Frank to recommend him for his job.

    Intersession 9: Add 3 Corruption for deploying the UFO retrieval memeplex.

    Intermission 8

    Intermission 8: Add 1 Corruption for Archie's Fast-Talk with the Quorum of Twelve.

    Intermission 8: Add 5 Corruption for a crit on Intelligence Analysis on the Quorum of Twelve's agenda(s).

    Mission 9

    • Session 2: Add 1 Corruption to Hypnotism roll for Dragon Lady to hypnotize Ambrose Bierce.

    • Intersession 2: 50 points of Corruption converted to 2 more points of Quirk: Callous and Workaholic

    • Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption from Teaching roll with Jane.

    • Session 5: Add 3 Corruption for Esmology roll/crit on Los Angeles: Black LA, the Impeach Nixon march, etc.

    • Session 7: Add 4 Corruption for Archie using Esmology to figure out Nixon's behavior

    Mission 10

    • Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation TOBACCO

  • Mission 1

    Session 3: Add 1 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Captivate) on Frank over the phone.

    Session 4: Add 2 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Suggest) on bus depot worker.

    Mission 3

    Intermission 1: Add 2 Corruption for witnessing visitor at Marshall's party.

    Session 3: Add 2 Corruption for entreating the Houdini Kusarikku in Sumerian.

    Session 3: Add 5 Corruption for "Houdini died in Montreal" meme.

    Mission 4

    Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Suggest) on hotel clerk.

    Session 6: Add 3 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Suggest) on Marianne.

    Mission 5

    Intersession 4: Add 4 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on Harold the super at Sophie's building.

    Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to meet Mr. Green.

    Mission 7

    Session 1: Add 4 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on Postal Service employee.

    Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for using Mind Probe (“what are you hiding”) on Kelley and Nicky.

    Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for boosting Mind Probe on Kelley and Nicky.

    Intersession 1: Add 4 Corruption for using Mind Probe (“who is your contact at Beale Farms”) on Kelley and Nicky.

    Intersession 1: Add 5 Corruption for boosting Mind Probe on Eddie the bartender.

    Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the Solaran mansion.

    Intersession 1: Add 2 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Sway Emotions) as a smokescreen at Chasen’s.

    Intersession 2: Add 1 Corruption to Propaganda roll in designing meme.

    Intersession 2: Add 8 Corruption for deploying Marshall’s report memeplex (one Power 6 and one Power 10 meme)

    Intersession 3: Add 3 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on Dan.

    Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption for using Mind Probe: "What did you see in the basement, Dan?"

    Session 6: Add 3 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on phone call to Sandy.

    Session 6: Add 2 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on front desk person at Agrigenics HQ

    Mission 8

    Intersession 9: Add 3 Corruption for deploying the UFO retrieval memeplex.

    Intermission 8

    Add 4 Corruption for using Intimidation as an Influence roll on Jano.

    Mission 9

    Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the Bohemian Club.

    Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for Marshall's hypnotizing Cinque

    Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for Marshall's posing as Tania in the hypnosis

    Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for Marshall's giving the kill order to Cinque

    Session 7: Add 9 Corruption to Marshall for designing the Legend of Patty Hearst meme

    Intermission 9:

    • Convert 50 points of Corruption to two 1-point Corruption Quirks: Careful and Dreamer

    Mission 10

    • Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation CANNABIS