201 Files
Session 4-5: Add 1 Corruption for wearing GU.SHUB while reconning the Moore house.
Session 5: Add 1 Corruption for wearing SANGUSH at the Mansa concert.
Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for witnessing visitor at Marshall's party.
Session 3: Add 4 Corruption for using Reality Shard on Marshall to heal him.
Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the clock.
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to steal the clock.
Intersession 7: Add 10 Corruption for adding 10 to Fast-Talk check with kusarikku.
Intersession 7: Add 11 Corruption for adding 11 to Psychology check with kusarikku.
Intersession 7: Add 14 Corruption for powering up Pyrokinesis to 20.
Intersession 5: Add 1 Corruption to Mitch for boosting Detect (History) B to get a crit on analysis in SRI.
Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption to Mitch for using GU.SHUB while surveilling Green.
Intersession 7: Add 1 Corruption for Mitch using SANGUSH to get behind the front desk to get Uri's party's room numbers.
Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for Mitch healing Jiyu.
Mission 7
Session 2: Convert 25 points of Corruption to 1-point Corruption Quirk. Delusion: Increasing detachment from the day-to-day reality of the world of History A ("Mitch knows he's a character in a piece of fiction" mixed with "Everyone but The Club is a fake person so they don't matter as much.”)
Session 6: Add 1 Corruption for using the GU.SHUB glyph in the Agrigenics basement.
Intersession 7: Add 10 Corruption for powering up Remote Viewing and Cure for Zeb.
Mission 8
Intersession 3: Add 3 Corruption for using the Norton Coin in a Fast-Talk attempt.
Intersession 5: Add 10 point Mental Disadvantage (Fright Check, Delusion: Increasing detachment from the day-to-day reality of the world of History A ("Mitch knows he's a character in a piece of fiction" mixed with "Everyone but The Club is a fake person so they don't matter as much.”)) to Mitch's character sheet
Intersession 5: Add 1 Corruption to boost Cure on Marshall
Intersession 5: Add 1 Corruption to boost Cure on Marshall
Session 7: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph at the Walker shipyards.
Intermission 8
Add 7 Corruption for healing Alan Watts’s liver.
Add 4 Corruption for healing Jano’s liver.
Intermission 9
Add 39 Corruption for trying to light Alpha Leonis on fire in 1935
Add 39 Corruption for trying to light Alpha Leonis on fire in 1935
Add 39 Corruption for trying to light Alpha Leonis on fire in 1935
Convert 125 points of Corruption to 5-point Disadvantage: Odious Personal Habit (Mitch can't always stop himself from talking about how no one and nothing is real).
Mission 10
Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation CANNABIS
Martin, Roger
REN-SLOT_01: Electronics Operation (Psychotronics)-12 (1 hour)
1 (from using SANGUSH glyph in Oakland on Thursday, March 29)
1 (from using SANGUSH glyph in Oakland on Friday, March 30)
Session 4-5: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph at the Moore household.
Session 5: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph at the Mansa concert.
Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH behind the front desk
Session 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the clock.
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to steal the clock.
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to pry loose the plaque.
Mission 8
Intersession 4: Add 10 point Mental Disadvantage (Sense of Duty, Veterans) to Roger's character sheet.
Intersession 4: Add 4 Corruption for Kalfu's speech.
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption to Roger to boost Mimicry.
Session 7: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the Walker shipyards.
Mission 9
Intersession 4: Add 6 Corruption for a crit Hypnotism on Father Dan
Mission 10
Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation TOBACCO
• Absolute Direction: 5 points
• Oracle (Reduced Time +5): 30 points
• Papa Legba/San Petro Talent 4 (Electronics Operation (Security), Escape, Forced Entry, Immovable Stance, Lockpicking, Religious Ritual (Voudon)): 20 points
• Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
• Resistant (Stun and Shock; Immunity): 30 points
• ST Bonus +3 (ST-13): 30 pointsDisadvantages:
• Basic Move Penalty -3 (Basic Move 3): -15 points
• Delusion (“I am the Opener of the Way”; Severe): -15 points
• Lame (Crippled Legs): Judo-8, Knife-10: -10 points
• Stooped Posture: -1 pointSkills († denotes skills Roger does not have):
• Electronics Operation (Security)-17†: 1 point
• Escape-15†: 1 point
• Forced Entry-17†: 1 point
• Immovable Stance-15†: 1 point
• Lockpicking-19†: 1 point
• Religious Ritual (Voudon)-17:1 point85 points
• The Devil’s Tongue (Omnilingual, only while interacting directly with humans while embodying loa): 28 points
• Maître Carrefour/El Diablo Talent 4 (Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Hypnotism, Mimicry (Speech)): 20 points
• Night Vision 5: 5 points
• Precognition (Ill Fortune Only, Tactics-17 when used to predict likely outcomes): 15 points
• Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
• Voice (+2 to reaction rolls): 10 pointsDisadvantages:
• Addiction (Rum): -15 points
• Delusion (“I am the Master of the Crossroads”; Severe): -15 points
• Odious Personal Habit (Stinks of Gunpowder): -1 points
• Supernatural Feature (No Shadow): -10 pointsSkills († denotes skills Roger does not have, bonuses from Voice included where applicable):
• Detect Lies-15†: 1 point
• Diplomacy-17†: 1 point
• Fast-Talk-18†: 1 point
• Hypnotism-19: 1 point
• Mimicry (Speech)-17†: 1 point47 points
• Ally (Agent 00 Cheval Trainees, 100% of starting points, 6 or less, Group Size 6-10): 15 points
• Appearance (Handsome): 12 points
• Charisma 2: 10 points
• Debonair Spy Talent 2 (Acting, Carousing, Connoisseur, Fast-Talk, Gambling, Holdout, Savoir-Faire, Sex Appeal, Sleight of Hand): 10 points
• Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
• Special Rapport (Agent 00 Cheval Trainees): 5 pointsDisadvantages:
• Compulsive Gambling (12 or less): -5 points
• Delusion (“I am a suave, cinematic super spy”): -10 points
• Odious Personal Habit (Womanizer): -1 point
• Overconfidence (12 or less): -5 pointsSkills († denotes skills Roger does not have, bonuses from Charisma, Appearance, Debonair Spy included where applicable):
• Acting-15: 1 point
• Carousing-17: 1 point
• Connoisseur (Visual Arts)-14†: 1 point
• Diplomacy-11†: 1 point
• Fast-Talk-14†: 1 point
• Gambling-15†: 2 points
• Guns (Pistol)-15†: 7 points
• Holdout-17: 6 points
• Leadership-14†: 1 point
• Public Speaking-14†: 1 point
• Savoir-Faire (High Society)-15†: 1 point
• Sex Appeal-19†: 1 point
• Sleight of Hand-13†: 1 point61 points
• Basic Speed 6.75: 5 points
• Born to Be Wired: 20 points
• Contact Group (Online Associates, Skill Level 15, 9 or less, Somewhat Reliable): 10 points
• Gadgeteer (H4xx0r): 25 points
• Gizmo: 5 points
• Luck: 15 points
• Photographic Memory: 10 points
• Resistance (Anunnaki Programming +10, Will-25): 5 points
• Signature Gear (TL 7+1 modem/phone box): 5 pointsDisadvantages:
• Appearance: Ugly: -8 points
• Delusion (“I am the ghost in the machine”): -15 points
• Loner: -5 points
• Nearsighted (Mitigator): -10 points
• Odious Personal Habit (the Phunk): -10 points
• Overconfidence (6 or less): -10 points
• Sense of Duty (the Little Guy): -10 pointsSkills († denotes skills Roger does not have, bonuses from Born to Be Wired included where applicable):
• Computer Hacking-15†: 2 points
• Computer Operation-18†: 2 points
• Computer Programming-16†: 2 points
• Criminology-14†: 4 points
• Cryptography-16†: 2 points
• Detect Lies-13†: 4 points
• Electronics Operation (Communications)-14†: 4 points
• Electronics Operation (Security)-15: 6 points
• Electronics Operation (Sensors)-14†: 4 points
• Electronics Operation (Surveillance)-15: 6 points
• Electronics Repair (Computers)-17†: 2 points
• Engineer (Electrical)-13†: 4 points
• Engineer (Electronics)-13†: 4 points
• Engineer (Microtechnology)-13†: 4 points
• Expert Skill (Computer Security)-16†: 2 points84 points
Intersession 1: 0-point Quirk (Handles unfamiliar objects with gloves) obtained from Psychometry-related Fright Check on Frank’s Steve Canyon strip.
Intersession 2: 0-point Quirk (synesthesia under duress) from Fright Check due to realizations about “bucket and spade” meme.
Session 5: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph at the Mansa concert.
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to steal the clock.
Intersession 4: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to pry loose the plaque.
Intersession 7: Add 1 Corruption for using GU.SHUB glyph on halothane canister on Special Ones.
Intersession 4: Add 3 Corruption from using Psychometry to get a crit/open two-way connection with Pat Price in 1961
Intersession 5: Add 5 Corruption from Jo using Psychometry to see exactly what Sophie was doing with “pain” and “precision.”
Intersession 7: Add 5 Corruption for Jocasta's read of Puharich with Psychometry.
Intersession 1: Add 3 Corruption for reading the GESHTUG.ULU glyph with Psychometry
Intersession 3: Add 5 Corruption for touching the golden walls looking for Charley with Psychometry.
Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption for reading the light bulb shard with Psychometry.
Mission 7
Session 3: Add 5 Corruption to boost use of Psychometry on elevator button.
Intersession 3: Add 2 Corruption to boost use of Psychometry on apple tree branch.
Intersession 3: Add 2 Corruption to boost use of Psychometry on Pruist placard from Genesis.
Intersession 3: Convert 25 points of Corruption to 1-point Corruption Quirk: Imaginative. Jocasta basically can't help herself from theorizing about the possibilities whenever she's researching something -- far beyond what's plausible, even within the confines of SANDMAN plausibility.
Session 6: Add 5 Corruption for Jo using Psychometry in Butler’s office chair.
Mission 8
Intersession 3: Add 5 Corruption for the Telesend attempt to Marshall.
Intersession 7: Add 6 Corruption for using Psychometry on the pillars under Lake Champlain.
Session 8: Add 5 Corruption to boost Psychometry at the satellite dish.
Intersession 8: Add 5 Corruption for Leadership roll with Pat Price’s future ghost.
Mission 9
Session 2: Add 4 Corruption for adding to Telesend roll to reach Patty Hearst.
Intersession 3: Add 10 Corruption from trying to bring Jack London out of the spirit world (4 initial expenditure, 6 to get it to a crit).
Intersession 5: Add 5 Corruption from Mind Probe of Patricia: “What do you want?”
Mission 10
Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation CANNABIS
Session 2: Add 5 Corruption for creation of kooks and cranks meme.
Session 3: Add 1 Corruption for Enthrallment (Sway Emotions) against êkimmu.
Session 3: Add 4 Corruption for Enthrallment (Persuade).
Session 3-4: Add 1 Corruption for Esmology roll (with Sophie's help).
Session 4-5: Add 6 Corruption for "Mansa are corny and white people should check them out" meme
Session 4-5: Add 6 Corruption for "The Mansa concert is being postponed/canceled/isn't going to be very good" meme
Session 3: Add 3 Corruption for Morgan le Fay disinfo.
Session 6: Add 7 Corruption for Meme 1 (4 to Krane), add 9 Corruption for Meme 2, add 9 Corruption for Meme 3.
Intersession 8: Add 2 Corruption for Public Speaking and 3 Corruption for Enthrallment rolls on Carl.
Intermission 4: Session 2: Convert 50 points of Corruption to 2-point Corruption Quirk. Personality Change: Stoney.
Session 7: Add 1 Corruption for using Esmology at end of session.
Session 8: Add 5 Corruption to get crit on Esmology to realize the Conspiracy.
Intersession 1: Add 6 Corruption on the Intelligence Analysis roll about Mount Shasta.
Mission 7
Intersession 2: Add 7 Corruption to Intelligence Analysis roll to aid Marshall’s meme audience evaluation
Intersession 2: Add 2 Corruption to Expert Skill (Memetics) roll to aid Marshall’s meme design
Intersession 2: Add 8 Corruption for deploying Marshall’s report memeplex (one Power 6 and one Power 10 meme)
Intersession 6: Add 6 Corruption for using the Norton Coin in the Agrigenics basement.
Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for using the SANGUSH glyph in the Agrigenics basement.
Intersession 6: Add 23 Corruption for the three memes to wrap up Mission 7:
1. SHORT TERM/LOCAL MEME (cult): Corruption 5
2. MEDIUM TERM/WIDER SCALE (something in the cereal): Corruption 10
3. CORPORATE WORLD (Agrigenics comes down): Corruption 8
Intermission 7: 50 points of Corruption converted to 2 more points of Stoney Quirk, rounded up to 5 to make a full 5-point Stoney Disadvantage (4 points Corruption, 1 point Quirk).
Intermission 7: Add 5 Corruption to bring Esmology roll with Enki about OZYMANDIAS into crit range
Add 4 Corruption from activating Esmology on OZYMANDIAS
Add 2 Corruption to bring Intel Analysis roll with Stoney about OZYMANDIAS into crit range
Mission 8
Session 3: Add 2 Corruption for his part in the “Arsenal of Democracy” (effective Power 7) meme to be released in Central Ohio
Intersession 4: Add 9 Corruption for boosting Persuade.
Intersession 4: Add 2 Corruption for activating Persuade.
Intersession 6: Add 9 Corruption for "Reinhardt was a traitor/Ransom is in charge now" meme.
Intersession 7: Add 7 Corruption for Fast-Talk roll convincing Frank to recommend him for his job.
Intersession 9: Add 3 Corruption for deploying the UFO retrieval memeplex.
Intermission 8
Intermission 8: Add 1 Corruption for Archie's Fast-Talk with the Quorum of Twelve.
Intermission 8: Add 5 Corruption for a crit on Intelligence Analysis on the Quorum of Twelve's agenda(s).
Mission 9
Session 2: Add 1 Corruption to Hypnotism roll for Dragon Lady to hypnotize Ambrose Bierce.
Intersession 2: 50 points of Corruption converted to 2 more points of Quirk: Callous and Workaholic
Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption from Teaching roll with Jane.
Session 5: Add 3 Corruption for Esmology roll/crit on Los Angeles: Black LA, the Impeach Nixon march, etc.
Session 7: Add 4 Corruption for Archie using Esmology to figure out Nixon's behavior
Mission 10
Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation TOBACCO
Session 3: Add 1 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Captivate) on Frank over the phone.
Session 4: Add 2 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Suggest) on bus depot worker.
Intermission 1: Add 2 Corruption for witnessing visitor at Marshall's party.
Session 3: Add 2 Corruption for entreating the Houdini Kusarikku in Sumerian.
Session 3: Add 5 Corruption for "Houdini died in Montreal" meme.
Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Suggest) on hotel clerk.
Session 6: Add 3 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Suggest) on Marianne.
Intersession 4: Add 4 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on Harold the super at Sophie's building.
Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH to meet Mr. Green.
Session 1: Add 4 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on Postal Service employee.
Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for using Mind Probe (“what are you hiding”) on Kelley and Nicky.
Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for boosting Mind Probe on Kelley and Nicky.
Intersession 1: Add 4 Corruption for using Mind Probe (“who is your contact at Beale Farms”) on Kelley and Nicky.
Intersession 1: Add 5 Corruption for boosting Mind Probe on Eddie the bartender.
Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the Solaran mansion.
Intersession 1: Add 2 Corruption for using Enthrallment (Sway Emotions) as a smokescreen at Chasen’s.
Intersession 2: Add 1 Corruption to Propaganda roll in designing meme.
Intersession 2: Add 8 Corruption for deploying Marshall’s report memeplex (one Power 6 and one Power 10 meme)
Intersession 3: Add 3 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on Dan.
Intersession 3: Add 1 Corruption for using Mind Probe: "What did you see in the basement, Dan?"
Session 6: Add 3 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on phone call to Sandy.
Session 6: Add 2 Corruption for using Rapier Wit on front desk person at Agrigenics HQ
Mission 8
Intersession 9: Add 3 Corruption for deploying the UFO retrieval memeplex.
Intermission 8
Add 4 Corruption for using Intimidation as an Influence roll on Jano.
Mission 9
Intersession 1: Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH at the Bohemian Club.
Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for Marshall's hypnotizing Cinque
Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for Marshall's posing as Tania in the hypnosis
Intersession 6: Add 1 Corruption for Marshall's giving the kill order to Cinque
Session 7: Add 9 Corruption to Marshall for designing the Legend of Patty Hearst meme
Intermission 9:
Convert 50 points of Corruption to two 1-point Corruption Quirks: Careful and Dreamer
Mission 10
Add 1 Corruption for using SANGUSH glyph during Operation CANNABIS