Saturday, October 6, 1973.
It’s a more-or-less typical Saturday morning at the Ransoms’. The breakfast plates are being washed and dried by Eddie and Charley, Jane is reading the Saturday Examiner in the living room while the Saturday morning cartoons play (Bailey’s Comets, the new DePatie-Freleng roller-skating cartoon, has just finished up on KPIX-5 in favor of one of the new hour-long New Scooby-Doo Movies) and Melanie helps the kids out in the kitchen (and does some prep for dinner tonight). Archie has maybe moved into the den. That's when Archie hears it, a ringing from his office. Not the familiar ringing of his office phone but the much less frequently heard bell on his office Telex machine. From work.
Archie puts down whatever he was reading — maybe Life magazine or Time or something else more or less middle-of-the-road and current affairs-ish — and heads to his office with much trepidation. No good news has ever come over that wire, on a Saturday no less.
And after Archie rips off the Telex paper and reads the Top Secret dispatch that's just come in from Granite Peak and read what's on it, that streak definitely stands.

Roger and Jocasta visit a UFO crash site • Jocasta goes night-diving on acid • Mishipeshu, the Underwater Panther, feasts • SANDMAN recovers a prop saucer and a pair of weird crystals • Archie and Marshall meet Agent RAVEN • “Lily” is reunited with “Rose” • URIEL hands off Sidney Gottlieb and Jolly West • Jocasta dreams of the Pure Tongue
Marshall and Archie concoct a meme to cover up URIEL’s pact with the Underwater Panther, then SANDMAN shoots down a legitimate UFO.
Bertha Cody and Maria Reiche indulge a bunch of white dorks about archaeology, history, language, and the nature of existence.
URIEL reassembles • And quickly splits up again • The field team investigates the site of a future controversial landmark in Georgia • Marshall has a conversation with Mystic Kate • OPEC declares an oil embargo • The field team arrives in Newark, Ohio • Jocasta finds herself at the other end of a causal time loop
Archie has a meeting with the Voice of Control • A deal is tentatively reached • Charley stops the Indians from singing using mad science • And delves into the inner astral • Roger communes with the dead • Morris gets shot • He’ll live • Roger and Charley close the subduction zone at Point One • The A Team finds a strange Sumerian hut deep in the West Virginian hills
Mitch, Marshall, and Jocasta arrive in upstate New York to investigate the murky depths of Lake Champlain.
Archie flies to the Big Apple for a one-on-one with his (former?) boss, Dr. Frank Stanton.
While waiting for Roger and Charley at the Pascagoula Sheriff’s Station, Mitch has a smoke and an imaginary conversation with the C Suite.
Roger sits in on a police interrogation • Mitch finds a gagkula on the beach • Charley practices her astral projection • Jocasta and Marshall interrogate a motel clerk about Alpha Leonis • Roger, Mitch, and Charley delve deeper into the mind of Calvin Parker • Who delivers a message to Mitch
Aided by Morris Parks, Marshall locates Jocasta at a motel in White Sands, where he invites her into his plot against the CWG.
Alone at the watchtower in Huntsville, Archie talks with his old friend Hobo Stan and implements memetic controls at ALLOCHTHON.
Marshall has some frank discussions • He also brokers a deal with Sidney Gottlieb and the CWG • URIEL gets to work righting the ALLOCHTHON ship • Mitch does a magic trick • Archie brings Hilary into the fold • Roger, Mitch, and Charley are dispatched to Pascagoula • It’s a real media circus down there • Marshall and Morris fly to White Sands to find Jocasta
Fueled by modafinil and obsession, Jocasta drives cross country with Reinhardt’s body, eventually finding herself in beautiful White Sands, New Mexico.
URIEL confronts OZYMANDIAS • The Devil gets his due • Archie delivers a stern rebuke • Compromises are made • The game board changes • The truth of ALLOCHTHON is (partially) revealed • Mitch works his magic • Charley hijacks the computers • Jocasta takes Reinhardt’s corpse on a road trip
Forewarned by Maman Brigitte, URIEL races to find Marshall before he cocks everything up.
Roger catches a glimpse of a bona fide UFO • URIEL reassembles in Huntsville • The team shares their discoveries • And debates the spiritual angle of ALLOCHTHON • Word reaches HQ of an “alien abduction” in Pascagoula, LA • Marshall gets tapped by OZYMANDIAS
Marshall, Archie, and Morris take a guided tour of the Alligator Effigy Mound in Granville, Ohio.
Roger does some paperwork before seeking counsel from Lady Erzulie Dantòr at Judy’s Shrimp Shack.
Left for the reader: the question of how plausible it is that Redstone Arsenal would have a gift shop with stationery sets in 1973.
Kendrick Mead, Head of Field Memetics for ALLOCHTHON, distributes a white paper about the UFO memeplex.
URIEL’s preliminary assessment of the data trove mined by Charley from ALLOCHTHON’s computer system.