Secure ArchivesGenevieve’s

Dream Journal


Would the six of you be amenable — and I would do it along with you — to keeping dream journals going forward? And any that you've had since you've started working for SANDMAN that seem especially, as I said, freighted with meaning. I feel like these could be good. This could be a good first step to all of us on working together in a therapeutic sense but also, I think, it's a legitimate form of intelligence that should be analyzed and broken down and collected and kept secure and used to help us make decisions going forward. Marshall, this new way of doing things that you were talking about. Would this fall under that rubric, do you think?

Mission Six, Session One

Inscribed in this large, hand-bound, rough-cut notebook that Genevieve bought from a vendor at the 1970 Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire (the first to be held at the Black Point site in Novato, California) is a series of thoughts from Genevieve sketched out after the disconnection with her higher self she experienced from her mushroom trip with Terence McKenna, Ev, Archie, and Jocasta:

As I look back at this experience, I find myself realizing how and why I experienced such serious depersonalization/derealization in the couple of days afterward. Here I am, ascending to the highest self I can experience, only to be flung free of the universe and into the body/bodies of these … Ladies of the Lake. My vision couldn't even agree on their name! Were they Nimue, Viviane, Elaine … nothing in the collective unconscious could agree on it. But names aside, I was a de-corporealized, liquid entity, flowing freely among the waterways of ancient Albion. So of course when I woke up in a single human body, I'd be uncertain as to who I was or whether I was actually here.

But I do think this message from the mushrooms helped me last week as I was working with clients and realizing what my role should be for URIEL. The element Water, the Tarot suit of Cups, the overflowing vastness and richness of the primordial Mother from Whom we were all born(e): when I was working with my clients at MRI, I realized that those waters were me, and would nourish and refresh those folks for years to come. I worked and would continue to work within the interstices of their relationships and families, just as I could with URIEL.

And the other aspect of the trip, my flinging a sword — the symbol of wit, cutting intelligence, planning — which become Owain's fidchell set … well, Charley, what you said that night at the St. Francis before going to the roof, it must have stuck with me. I am not just Water; I am Air as well, providing you all with the weaponry you need to … repeat what our predecessors did in provoking the Ontoclysm? (These Arthurian past lives and their involvement with the Ontoclysm are also the kinds of scenarios we could very easily re-experience with psychodrama: more Swords, more Air.) These are precisely the kinds of questions I wanted to evoke with this URIEL Dream Journal. Comment below with your ideas and feel free to write your dreaming experiences in these pages if and when you are ready!

Mitch Hort

A series of handwritten entries.

Night of Tuesday October 9th (after grilled cheeses)

He made a shield and morion ??
Of coral and of ivory
A sword he made of emerald
And terrible his rivalry
With elven-knights of Aerie
And Faerie, with paladins
That golden-haired and shining-eyed
Came riding by and challenged him

Of crystal was his habergeon ??
His scabbard of chalcedony
With silver tipped at plenilune ??
His spear was hewn of ebony
His javelins were of malachite
And stalactite – he brandished them
And went and fought the dragon flies dragonflies?
Of Paradise, and vanquished them