Andrew H. Krane

Science (or “speculative”) fiction author best known for his Atlantis Trilogy, in which the fabled lost continent emerges from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean in 1968, sparking a magical cold war with the United States.

Krane came to URIEL’s attention in the days leading up to Westercon, which was, in 1973, taking place at the St. Francis Hotel. URIEL surveilled him for a time and eventually determined he was Illuminated, able to impose his will upon reality in ways not yet determined. He has an amphetamine addiction.

After discovering Rich Talbot and Carl Fletcher’s plan to use Krane to transport themselves to the Atlantis Rising universe, Jocasta, acting on orders from Marshall and Archie, abducted Krane from the St. Francis and brought him to Livermore for safe keeping. Later, Archie explained the state of things and the existence of History B to Krane in order to entice him into helping the team stop the temblor at Westercon. In the end, Krane survived the events at the St. Francis, having witnessed the near-creation of an alternate reality by Mitch, and agreed to become a SANDMAN asset.


Obtained by Jocasta Menos

Father was an engineer, mother homemaker. Younger sister April died three days after birth in 1933; otherwise subject KRANE was an only child. High school Berkeley HS, graduated 1947. 4-F draft classification ineligible for service due to not meeting physical standards on weight (extreme underweight) and nearsightedness. Attended San Francisco State for electrical engineering, did not graduate. Married 1952 to Bethany Kazantzakis, member of Socialist Workers Party. While subject KRANE worked odd jobs in Bay Area in early '50s (record and book stores mostly), accompanied wife to two SWP meetings. KRANE and Kazantzakis divorced 1955. KRANE kept under periodic spot surveillance until 1962 when FBI San Francisco field office discontinued surveillance due to subject's not being involved with further left-wing politics. During 1955-1962, office compiled profile of subject as addicted to pharmaceutical amphetamines (dexedrine). Married secretary Katherine Jones 1963, divorced 1965; has not remarried. Lives alone in Berkeley, Calif. Added to file since 1963 are records of his "political" novels (Arrest, 1963; The Master Operator, 1965; The Arm From The Screen, 1966) with dismissals of any truly subversive content within. File remains open; surveillance discontinued.