Child’s Play


Jocasta, having shoo'd Terence away ("Go check in with Archie's friends! They're TV people"), looks dubiously at the lawn jart set. They let kids play with this? Spotting Charley across the yard with a handful of other neighborhood kids, she strolls breezily over there, stopping for a glass of wine and to say some hellos ("Janey, you look so cute! Eddie, how are you, sport? Jimmy."). Once she's near the kids, she beckons Charley over when she has a minute. Rustling around in her purse, she produces a new candy she picked up at the liquor store on the way over: a Charms Blow Pop.

"Hey, Charley! How are you?" She whispers confidentially: "I snuck this in for you. Don't tell your dad," with a wink.


Charley is excited to see Jo but is worried about being pulled away from the fun. She wonders to herself, "What's in the purse? A reality shard? Is the next mission starting so soon? Jo is so pretty. I hope mom remembered to get ice cream ." But when Jo pulls out candy from her purse, Charley is relieved and delighted. "A Blow-Pop! They're two treats in one! Thanks Jo!! Do you want to play Jarts with me? It's soooo fun!"


"You bet, Charley!" Jocasta will let Charley take the lead, since she obviously knows the game. She'll ask if Charley is feeling good after the St. Francis Mission if Charley brings it up, but she won't press the issue herself. Charley deserves to have some kid time and Jo is happy to help.


“I, I’m okay Jo … … I’m worried about Dad though. And I just. I don’t know … Did you talk to Marshall? He was asking about Mitch and what happened at the St. Francis.”


“I think your dad is fine, honey. That mission was very stressful and confusing for all of us,” she sighs. “But he did great — we wouldn’t have been able to do it without him. And he’s so protective of you. I talked to Marshall, too; he's just doing his job to make sure we know everything about what happened on the mission.”

She tosses another Jart, wincing slightly at the heavy thud it makes in the soil. “How do you like Viv? I think we might be working more closely with her.”


Happy Birthday, Marshall


The Ladies Chat