Christopher Butler

Former Vice-President of Public Relations for Agrigenics, Inc. Confident, handsome, charming, and amoral — a loyal archon to the company he served — Christopher was in cahoots with Bernadette Fry. Their alliance was one of convenience and necessity, rather than true loyalty to each or a specific cause. During her interrogation, Bernadette confessed that she started carrying a gun because she suspected Christopher might betray her.

Christopher is skilled in hypnosis and possesses a natural aptitude for predictive mathematics, better known as esmology, which was abetted by his proximity to Bernadette’s workings with History B ontology. As Jocasta and Marshall learned, he brainwashed summer intern Dan Miller into acting as a “whistleblower.” Later, he developed a meme — “Hey, did you hear Chris in PR got transferred to our New Delhi office?” — to escape Agrigenics and URIEL.

Christopher’s ultimate goal was to catch the eye of a powerful cabal, the existence of which his esmology predicted. He hoped that he could join this cabal as one of the “elect.” To that end, he and Bernadette launched a PR campaign for Agrigenics laced with glyph-memetics. The plan worked: as URIEL later learned, Anthony Reinhardt had scooped him up into SANDMAN and, presumably, OZYMANDIAS.