CONTROL (informally, “Control”) is the official designation for the directors, officers, and essential staff responsible for the administration of Project SANDMAN.

By custom, there is one British civilian Director, one American civilian Director, and one military Director (usually American, but occasionally, and currently, Canadian). Their identities are closely guarded secrets; the previous Directors select each new Director personally and unanimously, and vet them in every way the Project security teams can devise. They stay in deeply encrypted contact electronically, seldom meeting in person. The staff operates on a similarly distributed basis, although there is a small permanent Control presence at each major Project facility. Bureaucracy and regulations are kept minimal by keeping Control staff small, moving them around fre quently, and encouraging self-organization and initiative; Sandman psychological screening recruits personnel who respond best to such laissez-faire management.

Kenneth Burns
GURPS: The Madness Dossier

Beth Cole serves as one of Control’s emissaries. She acts as Control’s liaison with URIEL, through its director, Archie Ransom.