“Morgan le Fay”

She who is first among them is more skilled in the healing art, and also surpasses her sisters in beauty. Morgen is her name, and she has learned what useful properties all the herbs contain, so that she can cure the body ills. She knows, too, the art by which to change her shape, and to fly through the air, like Daedalus, on strange wings.

The Vita Merlini

The šedu witch-queen Morgên y Dylwythen Deg, better known as Morgan le Fay, was first witnessed, briefly, by certain members of URIEL during their trip to Cumbria, England. SANDMAN managed to suppress her irruption at Long Meg by bombarding the site with mortar shells. Later, Archie developed and deployed a meme about King Arthur in hopes of containing her influence:

Archie offers some ideas on co-opting the legend of Arthur, centering Arthur as the king who brought Christianity and order and reason (i.e. who defeated the Red Kings), downplaying Morgan and her ilk. I was only half joking about Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975). I don't know which of the Pythons could be our catspaw, but a super popular, memetically-sticky retelling of the Arthur myth that: dresses up Arthur up in late medieval crusader garb, leaves Morgan Le Fay out entirely, and makes it all seem incredibly silly kind of ticks all the necessary boxes. … One side effect of SANDMAN's script doctoring may be that every nerd who sees the Monty Python film will feel compelled to quote it incessantly for the next decade. Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

While visiting Mt. Shasta, Charley beheld Morgan a nightmare-visions. There, she looked like Charley’s:

birth mom but nine feet tall, with great black iridescent raven's wings rising above her graceful bare shoulders.

During Operation ALLOCHTHON, a hypnotized Calvin Hickson reported to the silver-tongued Maître Kalfu described an encounter with a terrifying woman who vaguely matched Morgan’s description. According to Calvin, her face was a “mask” and she had haunted him since his childhood:

Came down out of the sky every time. She says now's not the time but she can have me anytime she wants. Ugh! Ugh, from birth to death I'm hers. She's showing me the future. The world's falling apart! Disease! Americans killing each other! She says she's going to rescue us from it all, from poisoning our planet. She says I gotta carry the message, just keep leaking it out.