ORACLE is a highly sophisticated computer system developed by Operation GRAIL TABLE that is capable of generating “simulated futures.” By the time it came to URIEL’s attention, GRAIL TABLE had been running ORACLE for approximately two months and had predictively simulated roughly 38 years of human history, placing its internal clock at about the year 2020.

Even operating at full power, ORACLE was not capable of simulating the lives of every person in the world. Instead, using esmology, demography, and statistics, ORACLE created “simulated options” of human lives based on a representative spread of “lives” across the world. A software module could be appended to the simulation to make sure multiple people who go into the simulation together end up close to each other personally or geographically — co-workers, friends, family, etc.

ORACLE’s databanks, computers, and support equipment were originally located in Brougham Castle. In order to “enter” the simulated future generated by ORACLE, participants were required to wear psychotronic interface headsets and immerse themselves in sensory deprivation tanks located in the Castle’s chapel, partially restored by GRAIL TABLE. High-fidelity audio equipment located throughout the chapel would then blast prophetic chant sonics to reverberate off the acoustically tuned plastic roof, plunging the participants into a receptive hypnotic state.

SANDMAN dismantled ORACLE upon URIEL's discovery that the system had been tainted by the Red Kings. However, Charley was able to salvage ORACLE’s central program and database, which she took with her back to URIEL’s offices at Livermore.