pale rider.png

Outside LinesOrganizationsProject SANDMAN


PALE RIDER is SANDMAN’s internal code name for the SANDMAN programmatic aid given to the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth project, mostly in computer science and just a hint of esmology; you can't give away the store on esmology to civilians, obviously, but a Sandman esmologist here or there in the program was of huge help in making their predictions more accurate and concrete. David Wolf mentioned this as one of the inspirations for GRAIL TABLE.

You know, William Blake was a seer, and he saw all this. He saw the dark, Satanic mills, spewing poisons into the air ... children’s innocence ripped from them, exploitation of all kinds. The simulation has shown some ... distressing tendencies among the people, not just of the West, to completely forget about exploitation and abuse if it can't be seen first-hand. The one thing that shocked me in the simulation was how easily mass media could be used to create that kind of obfuscation. I was always of the opinion that more communication would mean more openness and more empathy ... well, I won’t say much more for fear of affecting your perception of the sim, but we don’t project that that will be the case in the future. At all.

— David Wolf