
We were always meant to be seven.

Seven we were. A nest of three at the roots of the tree, they were placed here to commit themselves to the spiral of fate, ultimately to protect the One Who Taught.

One to hide and keep safe the treasure, to protect the precious metals meant to summon the threads, the partnerships, the lost stories.

One to seduce, one always to seduce. The cattle are so easily led by one who gives them encouragement to rut. And in the sky, closer to our gods, our masters, two: one to spill blood, to present a burnt offering, to bring the pain and fire and glory.

And then … one more. One whose face I cannot countenance. One whose glory and brightness and light will make them ruler of this place. One whom your own Sandmen will place upon the last throne.

They … they you have not met yet. Nor will you, if you succeed in dragging this temple back across the precipice.

Roscoe and Mitch, prophesying

A kusarikku who manifested during Westercon as the host of a 1920s-style “hot jazz party” at the St. Francis Hotel. Mitch had drinks with him while discussing the nature of the reality and the Red Kings’ plans; the two ultimately shared a prophecy while under the influence of the emerging temblor zone. Mitch, Jocasta, and Roger – operating as the emergent Agent 00 loa – were able to destroy him in a hail of bullets and pyrokinesis.