Andrew’s Cubicle

April 20, 1974 | Saturday


In Andrew's Cubicle at Venture Toons.

While the intense conversations have been going on in the secure office all morning and afternoon about how to handle and settle up the SLA and how that interacts with the reality war, Andrew has been at the office, in his cubicle, feverishly typing. He's gone through a couple dozen sheets of typewriter paper in succession this morning and afternoon; instead of his usual iterative-longhand style of composing, he's been struggling to get his head 'round the concept of the "film treatment," the kind of high-view conceptual selling he's rarely had to do in his 20-or-so years with Ace Books, by just pouring his heart and mind out onto two sheets of paper, over and over again. After a failed try, he lights the onion skin-thin typewriter paper in an empty steel garbage can.

Also, he realizes, this is the first big writing project he's undertaken outside those two dream-inspired concepts last year and the scene he mailed off to Archie, the one with Sebastian Stone killing the MARPA archeologist. It's also, if he's being honest with himself, the first project where he's consciously rather than subconsciously aware of both the stakes of the war for reality and of memetics.

That said, he'll knock politely before entering Archie's office during the series of secure meetings/phone calls to deliver his for-internal-eyes-only two-page treatment for Redford and Roeg's The Star Rover.

A partner scene to this one.

(thinking of The Star-Rover soundtrack as mentioned at the end of Andrew's pitch: in our timeline Saturday Night Fever was the first big motion picture OST to have many different pop groups contribute tracks, even though of course the Bee Gees predominated: Andrew's suggestion to raid Xanten's prog LP collection got me thinking what if we got Xanten—and maybe Moore as well—to curate a soundtrack with individual tracks from all the prog artists listed there, a true collaborative effort, with Xanten contributing some interstitial electronic music (with subliminals). Sort of like the film in Valis with its Brent Mini/Brian Eno electronica)


I forgot about Xanten! It might take some doing to make Moore trust him again, but he's...I guess, the new Charley?

Oh great I made myself sad


I've already told the BIGJAZZ server I'm going to enlist them for help in assembling The Star-Rover OST

Leonard, naturally, if you have any prog favorites, the idea is we could use real tracks from our history and/or describe tracks that don't exist in our history

The idea is that each past life sequence would be scored by a different artist

So, like, Gentle Giant or Genesis could do a song or two for the medieval romance bit

We get the synth wizards to score the future/union with the Godhead portions

Xanten to do the music in the Institution


I would personally go in the Steeleye Span/Planxty/Fairport Convention/Pentangle/Albion Band direction for the medieval romance, but I'm not in this game. Nobody will ask Jocasta and thus be spared making a polite face when she suggests the Carpenters


Pentangle, yes...

It's a bit after Incredible String Band's heyday, late '74, isn't it?

Diminishing returns: 1971-74

After that, the group lasted another four years, although there was a gradual decline in their status and commercial success after 1970.

haha thank you Wikipedia




Too Many Clubs