
Okay, if you give me a Diplomacy-21 roll (bonuses assessed for Status/Rank), that will factor into my Reaction roll for slipping the coordinates for Downer Ranch and Agrigenics HQ into the daily rota of coordinates. Then I'll roll Pat and Ingo's respective RV abilities to see how well they do.


>>>> SUCCESS by 9


On it. The Reaction roll was a huge success so I'll say you have the RV data by the end of Thursday work hours.


Ingo-Downer Ranch: "These are vast plains, some nearby rolling hills. Uncultivated land, but likely to have once been a farm; I can see abandoned outbuildings: a farmhouse, a barn. [Proceeds to generally describe the Downer Ranch buildings' placement and structures about 80-85% accurately.] General sense of ruin, abandonment. Crop failure? Not much else. No people living there, nearby road with little automobile traffic.

Ingo-Agrigenics HQ: "Glass building surrounded by parking lot. Building is cube-shaped, quite active this time of day, dozens if not a hundred or more employees. [Proceeds to describe Agrigenics HQ 90-95% accurately.] Office building, some kind of laboratory work scattered throughout. Science research? Also plenty of non-scientific office space and employees. Sense some sort of presence in basement; powerful vibrations in some sort of small underground room, isolated from rest of building, only big enough for three or four people to sit in. On top of small reservoir of water? Energetic grounding mechanism for psychics? [Proceeds to describe the meditation pod 90-95% physically accurately; reservoir of water obviously waterbed in pod but Ingo thinks the water is there to help diffuse psychic energies, internal and external, not offer meditation help.] Presence of caged animals on bottom floors, but very hard to see any specifics with that psychic grounding chamber seeming to absorb my efforts. Spooky, mysterious, but not sure if this bad energy is intentional or accidental."

Pat-Downer Ranch: "Early 20th-century farm, a mix of horse and cattle ranch and orchards. Present day has seen better days, but definitely once had a thriving agricultural concern. Health spa/sanatorium? Can vaguely see bathtubs, sauna, infirmary, buildings built for TB victims, etc. [Proceeds to verbally describe a detailed, complete map of Downer Ranch, presumably circa from first decade of 20th century.] Intense sense of belief in the mission of the ranch about 70-80 years ago; many outside visitors, but small permanent core of believers. Can only faintly see today's ranch: abandoned? Sometime between its peak and today, a radical change happened not just to the business but also to the land itself to turn it sterile, unable to support thriving farm. Possibility of missed alternate present where ranch was continued throughout the past 50-plus years, I can vaguely see it open to present-day hippies, etc. with updated versions of the quack treatments from ca. 1900." This is the first time Pat has explicitly offered a description of a possible alternate present while Marshall has been involved as SCANATE's CIA handler.

Pat-Agrigenics HQ: Center of wealth. Old wealth. Glass cubical building, parking garage, several outbuildings nearby. [Proceeds to describe what sounds like a future version of Agrigenics HQ turned into a larger campus.] At the center of a global business, catering to the wealthy... research into... health and longevity? Laboratories full of nutritionists, agricultural scientists, kinesiologists, neurologists, geneticists, musculoskeletal therapeutic surgeons doing work on human internal prostheses... bionics? Basement full of research into... suspended animation... cryonics, I think it's called? Overall honestly not sure if I'm seeing near-present, near-future or far future, some sort of interference mucking up my RV. There is a present-day overlay, building is present, similar in purpose research-wise, but nearly impossible to see accurately. I sense that something is actively blocking me. Not a fellow consciousness but a psychic sinkhole, a quicksand. I'm staying well and clear of it, per operational protocols. [Pat cannot apparently see and does not describe the meditation pod.]"


sounds bad kids!


"The business of America is business" - some douchebag


Jocasta, Marshall, and Dan Miller


A Date with Reinhardt