Plans and Visions
URIEL makes plans to further investigate Beale Farms, and to black-bag Bernadette Fry and her cultists.
Jocasta at Downer Ranch
Jocasta tails Bernadette Fry and does some first-hand investigation at old Downer Ranch.
Jocasta Investigates
Alone at Livermore, Jocasta finds herself working at URIEL’s new chief researcher.
Jocasta hits the stacks to learn what she can about the mysterious conglomerate known as Agrigenics.
ORACLE on Cereal
Charley consults ORACLE about cereal consumption and she and Jocasta learn about something called high fructose corn syrup.
Archie brings a suspicious cereal box to work • URIEL discusses the implications of breakfast advertising • Archie learns about an LA animation outfit called Venture Toons • Roger and Charley discuss the ways of spirits • Jocasta researches a company called Beale Farms • Mitch and Marshall visit Dixon, California