Backstage with Matt
Mitch, tripping, has another meeting with the Janitor, whom he calls Matt.
Demiurge Q&A
While waiting for Roger and Charley at the Pascagoula Sheriff’s Station, Mitch has a smoke and an imaginary conversation with the C Suite.
Mitch Visits a Gift Shop
Left for the reader: the question of how plausible it is that Redstone Arsenal would have a gift shop with stationery sets in 1973.
Marshall and Archie at Point 7
Marshall and Archie introduce themselves to their assigned team in Ohio, and then visit a cornfield with bad vibes.
Roger returns from his month-long op at Granite Peak • But is uncertain if his penance has appeased his loa patrons • The Librarian’s also back! • Gents, she’s a whole new woman • URIEL learns a bit about Sophie’s experience at Project THROWAWAY • Jocasta leaves work early • And has a weird run-in with Patrick Price
The Wizard, the Guru, and the Killer
Mitch, Marshall, and Jocasta ruminate on what it all meant and what it means to be a member of the Club.