Operation CANNABIS
URIEL abducts and interrogates Owl catspaw Louis Jolyon West and in the process discover much of the Secret History of the first quarter-century of the Cold War.
Comparing Notes
The Club, still sans Roger, holds a hybrid “remote meeting” to evaluate their clues.
Flash forward to 1974! • The abducted heir to the Hearst fortune commits bank robbery • And the Bohemian Club has a fire • URIEL-SF scrambles to action • Mitch stumbles upon … Ambrose Bierce at Mt. Shasta • URIEL-LA considers workshopping a new Andy Krane vehicle • Coincidences abound • Roger is still missing
Marshall Finds Jocasta
Aided by Morris Parks, Marshall locates Jocasta at a motel in White Sands, where he invites her into his plot against the CWG.
Happy Hour Somewhere
Roger takes Sophie out for a martini lunch. Hey, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.
Viv and Marshall Escalate
Viv and Marshall exchange words about the potential recruitment of Terence McKenna to the Mission. Then, Zeb has a heart attack.
Plans and Visions
URIEL makes plans to further investigate Beale Farms, and to black-bag Bernadette Fry and her cultists.
Marshall and Dave Have the Talk
Marshall brings his bag man and driver Dave Rocco into the fold, so to speak.
URIEL conspires to get Charley therapy • Not really, they’re gonna spy on Viv • Roger and Mitch case Andy’s place • Mitch deduces that Andy’s Illuminated • Which has really odd implications • Charley talks about her past lives • Mitch and Roger get eyes on Andy • And witness History B vibes emerge from a confrontation with a pair of fanboys • Archie questions whether Viv and Andy are Maoist-equivalents in the War for History