Operation CANNABIS
URIEL abducts and interrogates Owl catspaw Louis Jolyon West and in the process discover much of the Secret History of the first quarter-century of the Cold War.
Jocasta’s Sketch
In an attempt to jog her memory about her acid-tinged encounter with the businessman who intercepted her drop to the SLA, Jo heads back to the City to recollect his face and make a sketch.
Sophie’s Report on Rosebud
Sophie brings news from the Rosebud Reservation on a recent federal incursion and a purported resurrection of the Ghost Dance.
Contemplating Opposites
"Regardless of the score you are rolling against, a roll of 3 or 4 is always a success, while a roll of 17 or 18 is always a failure."
Jocasta and Patricia: An Epilogue
Jocasta debriefs Patricia on her life options now that she’s joined URIEL
Two Women, Driving
Jocasta lures Patty to Mount Shasta, but in a good way, and has an earnest conversation with Jack London.
URIEL convenes to discuss their next moves • Problems are categorized by degree • The decision is made to recruit Patty Hearst • Andy pitches a treatment to Archie • Jocasta helps put Elsie at ease and learns a bit more about the Bohemians • Roger attends a gang summit in South Central • Mitch picks up radio interference … on a laser mic?
I Remember It
Jocasta and Patty abduct an elderly woman with a connection to the Bohemians of old.
Archie and Mitch get a drink with George Washington • Not that George Washington • Though this one looks like the Comte de Saint Germaine • Roger returns to action, undercover • Marshall learns more about Jolly West’s experiments • A new picture of History emerges • Jocasta and Roger ferret Tania and the SLA out of San Francisco • And abduct an old woman
Ghost-Witch of Hoodoo Range
Jocasta, asleep in an alley, dreams of Lost Bohemia and one of its mournful inhabitants.