Archie, Mitch, and Marshall receive an esmological briefing • Jocasta, under cover, meets Donald DeFreeze • And makes secret arrangements to subvert the SLA • Marshall and Mitch investigate Roger’s whereabouts • They find a duffel bag full of iPhones • Also: Roger, malnourished and worked to the point of exhaustion in Charley’s old lab • Harry Houdini says hi
Lady Alexandrine
Roger does some paperwork before seeking counsel from Lady Erzulie Dantòr at Judy’s Shrimp Shack.
Roger at Point 1
Roger arrives in Biloxi, where he introduces his new team mate to Papa Legba.
Ambrose and Roger
Roger is visited by an old friend and mentor, Ambrose O’Connor, for a talk about the loa, death, spirituality, and finding purpose.
Roger’s Barbiturate Dreams
Roger, under the influence of some red devils, speaks with the Light-Bringer and imparts a message of uncertain meaning to Archie.
Charley Takes a Trip into the Astral
Charley sleeps and dreams and journeys through the Astral Plane.