Charley’s Nightmare
“Morgan le Fay is here, and she looks like Charley's birth mom but nine feet tall, with great black iridescent raven's wings rising above her graceful bare shoulders. ‘Wake up, dear heart. A new world is coming, and you and your Kings are powerless to stop it.’”
3/3 - UK
Roger stops a terrorist attack by the Children of Guy Debord on the 2020 RNC • Don’t worry, it’s just a simulation • Or is it? • Jocasta and Archie tussle with a kulullû • The birds descend on Dufton • Morgan le Fay arrives • Sophie loses her shit • SANDMAN mortars Long Meg to dust to save reality • GRAIL TABLE dies mysteriously
Poking Around Brougham Castle
Roger and Archie help Charley slip into the ORACLE control room to snoop around for clues about where these mysterious electronic messages are coming from.