Business at Point 7
Archie and Marshall learn about a UFO sighting in nearby Xenia, Ohio, and tap the remote viewers at SRI for intel on the ALLOCHTHON subduction zones.
Meet the New Boss
Dr. Red introduces himself as the replacement for SCANATE’s CIA liaison.
Roger Reports
Rogers updates the Archie, Marshall, and Jocasta on Mitch’s infiltration of SRI.
URIEL Connects the Dots
URIEL explores further connections between SRI and everything else that’s been going on in the Bay Area this year.
Mitch Befriends a Cop
Mitch, who famously hates cops, finds himself with a new friend: a retired psychic cop.
Mitch Gets Interviewed
Mitch meets the gentlemen running SCANATE. They’re quite taken with him.
Marshall gives Sophie’s cat to Charley for safe keeping • Jocasta and Roger report on Pat Price • Jocasta reveals she’s a time traveler • And she told Young Pat Price to be on the lookout for Mitch, in the future • Marshall gives Jocasta a needle from Sophie’s apartment • Roger, Mitch, and Charley research Pat Price’s land scheme • Mitch senses History B in the wires at SRI • Jocasta learns Sophie was battling glyph addiction
Mitch Gets Tested
Mitch submits himself to testing for induction into SRI’s psychic research program and has a peculiar dream.
Mitch Applies for the Program
Mitch interviews for admission into the SCANATE program at SRI.
Jocasta Surveils SRI
"Say Hal ... you wouldn't by any chance see that girl, a redhead, crouching down by my car over there?"