Archie Looks at the Game Board
With a little help from Enki and Stoney, Archie spends a day at the office just really crunching the numbers. Getting down to it. Predicting shit.
Stoney Revealed
Archie introduces Charley, Marshall, Mitch, and Jocasta to his new bird friend from History-Krane.
Hieros Gamos
Genevieve Beekeeper, ahem, Abeille — newly inducted into Operation URIEL — dreams of her marriage to the god-head … and of Archie Ransom.
Archie Meets Stoney
After a long July 4 celebration, Archie retires to the puppet workshop in his attic to chat with his latest creation.
URIEL implements the Atlantis LARP • The con divides into teams • Viv — sorry, the Council — gives a stirring speech • Archie, as Director Sebastian Stone, delivers some wise words of encouragement to his agents • Jocasta — Maurdunn — meets Terence McKenna • Marshall babysits Andy with the cavalry • The teams explore the warped reality of the upper floors