Jocasta’s Sketch
In an attempt to jog her memory about her acid-tinged encounter with the businessman who intercepted her drop to the SLA, Jo heads back to the City to recollect his face and make a sketch.
Sophie’s Report on Rosebud
Sophie brings news from the Rosebud Reservation on a recent federal incursion and a purported resurrection of the Ghost Dance.
Flyin’ East, Man?
Marshall and Sophie pay a visit to a certain Colston Westbrook and learn more about the CWG’s various pet projects.
Archie, Mitch, and Marshall receive an esmological briefing • Jocasta, under cover, meets Donald DeFreeze • And makes secret arrangements to subvert the SLA • Marshall and Mitch investigate Roger’s whereabouts • They find a duffel bag full of iPhones • Also: Roger, malnourished and worked to the point of exhaustion in Charley’s old lab • Harry Houdini says hi
Comparing Notes
The Club, still sans Roger, holds a hybrid “remote meeting” to evaluate their clues.
Flash forward to 1974! • The abducted heir to the Hearst fortune commits bank robbery • And the Bohemian Club has a fire • URIEL-SF scrambles to action • Mitch stumbles upon … Ambrose Bierce at Mt. Shasta • URIEL-LA considers workshopping a new Andy Krane vehicle • Coincidences abound • Roger is still missing
The URIEL Christmas Party
URIEL makes merry in the face of the upcoming transition and move of half the team to Los Angeles.
Charley’s Homework
Maybe one of the reasons subduction events default to History B is a whole lot of Illuminated, somewhere, somewhen, are keeping History B alive.
Happy Hour Somewhere
Roger takes Sophie out for a martini lunch. Hey, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.