Talking to Matt



Mitch is at 2/10 FP at the close of the session after getting Marshall up to -2/10 HP (Mitch is at 8/10 HP himself but this is not a factor at the moment)

Mitch rests for one hour of clock time, recovering 6 FP and getting him to 8/10 FP. He reads the end of Lud-in-the-Mist I guess, or no, he would have finished that already. He reads the first part of Operation Trojan Horse, Keel's book.

Then he attempts to heal Marshall again, intending to spend 6 FP which will get Marshall to 10/10 HP if all goes well

>> SUCCESS by 1


(By this point Marshall will have been evac'd to the intensive care infirmary at the SANDMAN ops center.)


So for ten minutes Mitch mumbles to himself and lays on hands like a weirdo


Mitch has the clearance to be in the ICU with Marshall, as we now have all the Clearance we will ever need


His Cure skill is 14, modified to 11 by his previous Cure use, and he'll spend one point of Corruption to get an effective skill of 12 before rolling

>> SUCCESS by 6

One point is all it takes! About an hour and a half after the close of the last live session, Marshall is at full HP and Mitch is back down to 2/10 FP

Mitch already dug the bullet out of Marshall's brain with his fingers, so now I suppose he's merely massaging Marshall's temples and encouraging pink new skin growth etc

Can't do anything for Marshall's ruined haircut though


I would imagine Mitch's aura sight would allow him to see the aforementioned crippling injury to Marshall's right eye, but Mitch is also confident of Marshall's long-term prognosis being optimistic on that front.

Marshall will awaken 15 minutes after being brought to full HP.


Mechanically we probably could use Cure to repair the damage to Marshall's optic system but I don't wanna try


Marshall gasps as his eyes snap open. For a moment he looks panicked, shimmying up the infirmary bed. Then he closes his eyes and breathes, whispering something to himself. A minute goes by. Then he relaxes, and looks at Mitch.

“So, did it work?”


"Yeah. Archie said not to do it again, though."

Mitch has collapsed into a handy chair, it's been fifteen minutes after all.


“He would.” Marshall watches as Mitch takes a seat. “Thank you, Mitch. I had to hope you would, but I couldn’t know you would, y’know?” He closes his eyes. “Let me know when everyone’s ready to meet.”



Once the initial work of reviving Marshall is done and Mitch has rested sufficient to recover his FP, he's going to quietly do a Tarot spread, muttering grumpily to Matt under his breath about how this thing with Mary-Lynn's tombstone and her imminent death, that better have been fixed by URIEL's strike against OZYMANDIAS, so let's just get it in writing, and by 'in writing' he means the medium of a Tarot spread.

Mitch methodically shuffles seven times, cuts, then flips over the top card.


(Is Mitch going freeform here, drawing cards until he gets a full picture? I'm cool with that, I just need to know what my parameters are.)


I haven't decided. Maybe one card will be enough, maybe he'll engage in a solipistic dialogue, berating the cosmos then flipping over a card for the response.



>> SUCCESS by 4

Mitch scowls and bites his tongue. "Don't insult me, man. I'm not ... I'm not strapped in a throne, too distracted by my dumb hat to notice I'm hanging by my ankles. This isn't me being a jerk. Come on."

He flips over another card.



"Who are you talking to? Do I seem like — have I been a guy who needs to be reminded to keep the perimeter secure? We're on it. We're doing the thing. I just need a little reassurance. Or maybe I decide I need to save the world by ending it. I don't like to make threats but c'mon."


Mitch draws what he thinks is merely one card, but as he flips it he realizes he's drawn two stuck together.

(The Nine of Pentacles was on top, then the Devil. Both upright.)


>> SUCCESS by 6

"Uuugh. Okay. Okay." Mitch rubs his temples. "Okay, fine.


"That's fine.



"Thanks a lot.

"Thanks for that."


Mixed messages. We got through a big ordeal and can rest and recover (9 of wands) but the rulership of things has been thrown into upheaval (reversed Hierophant). We are going to have material safety and security (9 of pentacles) but we're either Big Daddy Shaitan or in service to him as his two naked imps (the Devil). Nothing's clear, everything's two-sided.

(that's the result of the secret Oracle Sense and IQ/interpretation rolls)


"The good news is, we're getting a cool bird. The bad news is, the Enemy is feeling frisky what with all the infighting among humanity's protectors."


Hey, at least you didn't see Judgement.


Oh, there's a number of cards, not all major arcana, that would have been red flags w/r/t the Mary-Lynn Turner question.


I would say that the 9 of pentacles feels to Mitch like the card with the most resonance on the Mary-Lynn issue; Mitch was getting very fed up by then and Ma'at might have taken mercy on Mitch's pleadings. But, it did come out with The Devil so take that for what you will.


Yeah, no, I got that.



