The Devil at the Front Desk


Roger had nodded back to Mitch and gave him a quick, “also will try to call in” in ASL (safe for this statement) as Mitch got distracted by Anna. Mitch might have seen, might not.

He also nodded back to Viv, relieved, and then he jogged off to deal with the front desk and the hotel staff. But, before he does, given the extreme situation, he’ll call for help of another kind. If we’re sliding into Hell, it’s time to get aid from a native guide.

Roger will try to quickly find a quiet spot, if such exists in this chaos. He’ll settle for a supply closet if he has to.


Very Clark Kent. But I think you can find a quiet alcove in the hallway to make a change.


Ok. He’ll take a quick second to cross himself and say a quick Hail Mary. He’ll also light up a smoke. Once centered, he’ll pull out his El Diablo vever and go into a trance. There’s going to be troublesome IOUs for rum in his future, but it’s the least of his worries/lesser evil.


Autohypnosis roll (just looking and these rolls to activate are always at a base +1, I did not know that!)


El Diablo is among us. I would like said Maître to immediately give me a Doomsaying (Precognition) roll please.

The subject of said Precognition roll is the hotel.



Spot on, but made.


As Roger's consciousness recedes to the back of his mind and El Diablo rides him, the Devil's eyes look around the hotel hallway, at the dim, sepia lights, the weird shadows, the oppressive heat and stinging dust. And the doom of this place becomes clear to him. On the day the sun dawns on this nation celebrating its 197th birthday, Kalfu senses in a clear-as-day vision, this place, the Old Building, will fall deep into the ocean. Dwelling with the monsters who live in "Atlantis." And then the entire city will sink into the deep sea of forgotten history. And then California. And, yes, then the world.

The good people in this hotel have four days and change, the entire length of this convention, to stop a worldwide reality quake from happening. And Maître Carrefour sees even more in his vision: that this place has been made into a trap by the demons from Elsewhere. That anyone who walks in, tantalized by the possibility of their dreams becoming reality in this temple to high fantasy and the human desire to imagination and blind belief, might not ever be able to walk out. The strong of will, those people might be able to make that step of belief in themselves and not in fantasy, self-belief that will allow them to walk out of the door. But those weak of will … if they're forced to cross the threshold of his unholy place to try to escape … they will experience true soul-death.

Also, one more thing: that the monsters from beyond are here already, in fact have ALWAYS been here in disguise … and this weekend, they will feast. Fright check at 12, but obviously El Diablo will probably deal with failure here differently than Roger would psychologically.


How does he deal with the Rule of 14?


The check at 12 was with a penalty I'd assessed for the seriousness of this revelation.


So that's a failure by 2.

So El Diablo can give me a 3d6+2 Fright Check result roll.

So my thought was that El Diablo after this revelation and given his Omnilingual ability, might speak in tongues for 2d seconds. Pretty mild reaction all things considered. But maybe the actual horror for both El Diablo and Roger is that they both hear the glossolalia happening coming out of their shared mouth not just in Spanish or French or Chinese or other languages you might expect the Devil's Tongue to be able to access and speak here in the hotel … but also in Sumerian.

Which means that there are some Sumerian-speaking motherfuckers in this hotel, and they're close by.

>>>> 2d6 … 8


Once the Master of the Crossroads manages to master himself and his ride, he'll double-check there weren't irritating witnesses. Finding none, he'll continue with Roger's mission of talking to the hotel staff. There's alignment of purpose in this: no one wants less souls in the world.

He will definitely shed the distasteful coveralls, though, and straighten up Roger's look.


No witnesses to the muttering in various languages including Sumerian. And given Roger's pre-existing Very Good reaction to the hotel staff, he should be able to get them to hear him out. I would say it's evident to Roger/El Diablo that the staff at the front desk seem a little bit weirded out at the change in atmosphere, but El Diablo can also tell from overhearing conversations on the way to the front desk that no guests seem to do much else other than comment on it. Pretty soon they're back to their scifi con-oriented conversations.


Kalfu will work his way quickly past desk staff to the manager, with the occasional injunction to hurry up "like your immortal soul depends on it". He will make use of the mortal authority given to him in Roger's badge; it is certainly pleasing to make use of such a lie.


Damn, Bill.

(lol I was thinking Kalfu could steal Rich's sharp G-man jacket )

(he's not using it, after all)


(Oh right, he has a Servant. shudder.) Naturellement!


Important question: does Kalfu keep the winged-eye of Providence MARPA insignia pin on the lapel.


(I don't think he would see anything amiss about it; just part of the Lie. It's not a Holy symbol, correct?)


No, not as such.

Okay, so you let me know what you're going to say to the hotel manager and I'll prepare the roll and appropriate modifiers.


The first thing he does is to ask to speak to the manager in private, of course, given the "situation."


Let's top-load the Fast-Talk roll then

Fast-Talk at 20 because the staff seems to trust "Roger" and he's got FBI identification.


That GURPS crit table Mandy found the other night has now solidified in my mind that the highest number you can have on the dice for a crit is 6. So it's not a crit, but it is a success by 12, which is very very good.

In the back office area of the front desk, Hotel First Shift Manager Dale Lyons sits down with this FBI officer. "What can I do for you, Agent?"


"I need your undivided attention, with full and rapid response to my orders. This hotel, its guests, and your entire staff, need to comply, or there will be terrible consequences. Most immediately, ingress and egress to this place must be stopped." Kalfu uses the full deep register of his Voice for emphasis.


"What … I'm sorry, Agent Martin … what exactly do you mean by this? What am I supposed to tell people?"


Kalfu first edges into bad cop: "Was I not clear? If you don't want further injuries, and there have already been many, you will stop people going in and out. Now." But then he modulates a bit back from being intimidating. "Certainly the hotel will want to protect its considerable reputation. I sympathize. And we don't want a panic. Now, surely, my good Lyons, you have standard little tales to tell." Here he smiles slightly and his black eyes twinkle a little: "I know you do."

"Lie. I have full confidence you can come up with something believable your staff can spread and repeat. Maybe several somethings. There is certainly a police investigation and action on-going. But attend! You wouldn't want to hear what we, the 'Bureau', would say. We care about souls, not your comfort. The end result must be this: no one leaves, no one comes in, unless I approve of them."

Kalfu will sink back, and watch Lyons carefully to see how this fish wriggles on the line.


Okay. This feels like an Intimidation check, with sizeable bonuses: +2 from The Voice, +2 from The Badge, +1 from the weird circumstances, and +1 from your previous Fast-Talk roll. That comes out to an Intimidation of 19.


Good thing, since I only got it by 3.


Lyons proves himself a slightly tougher customer than maybe Kalfu figured for a man who works behind a desk like this all day; Kalfu assumes that maybe this hotelier has seen his share of controversies, rich people's secrets, and weird happenings in those rooms to last a lifetime. "All right, Agent. We'll post guards and lock the doors entering and exiting the hotel but how long are we supposed to do this for? Our workers going off-shift will want to know when they can go home!"


"For at least the next two hours. Once we've assembled our larger team on site, I will update you. The higher powers will have to have their say." Kalfu sees it's time to be conciliatory. "You do strike me as a man who's handled his share of difficult scenarios. We appreciate help from such, and your efforts will not go unrewarded. Perhaps there's somewhere we could put in a good word for you?"


An eyebrow from Lyons. "If you have any say with Western management, I sure wouldn't mind an alibi if this all goes wrong or a testimonial if everything goes right." He chuckles sort of uncomfortably.


"Oh, but of course. I think we understand each other. You will have your good word, and soon, on my honor. And blame would surely fall on the perpetrators the 'Bureau' will ferret out here. Of course, what good word: that would be contingent the degree of cooperation."


"You'll have my on-site security making sure no one gets in or out. Does that include cutting off the entrances from the New Building as well as the parking garage? We'll tell people there's been a high-profile theft and we need to lock down." "But please, Agent, update me when you can. Around 2 this afternoon would be good, as we'll be expecting our next shift of workers plus new arrivals for the convention and we'll need to say something more authoritative by then."


"For now, until our agents can clear them, we need the other structures as well. But we will try to clear those for you first, as soon as we can. And 2pm, contingent on the higher powers, is understood."

(Kalfu is delighted that the man created the lie himself. And that so many others will be serving it.)

"I am glad we could come to an accord." The emphasis placed on the word seems a little odd, but Kalfu forges ahead with the niceties and holds out Roger's hand for shaking. "May we get all we desire."


Lyons shakes the agent's hand, warmly and not the least bit warily. Lyons has definitely had to do worse for worse people.


Kalfu is greatly pleased to have another such one on his List. "Now, to work! I will call in to your office here, or an assistant, as soon as I can. I will contact your security for a channel to talk on this contrivance (he holds up his walkie-talkie) if you need to reach me."

"If you don't hear from them, try channel, let me see, 6. Yes, 6. 6 will work."

Kalfu will whirl out in a flurry, and ask for a private place with a phone for a quick call.


The front desk staff can get you a private office in back.



Oh, let's have a little more fun. Roger will naturally start to rise up to control, to dismiss Kalfu. But, I think, this time the Devil is in a mischievous mood, and, after all, was called in without being given his due. He's going to insist on dialing in and at least saying hello. He never does get to meet the gang...


A Somewhat Panicked Phone Call


Charley and Sophie Investigate the RadLab