
Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Four, Live Session Brant Casavant


“RFK ‘72” posters appear throughout San Francisco • The team debates the existence of History C • And learn about acclaimed sci-fi authors Andrew H. Krane and Genevieve Abeille • Mitch talks “soft sf” and “hard sf” with Jerry and Jerry’s friend at the St. Francis Hotel bar • Roger volunteers for tech-induced regressive memory retrieval by Charley • Westercon ‘73 is three days away

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Mission Three-UK, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Three-UK, Live Session Brant Casavant

3/3 - UK

Roger stops a terrorist attack by the Children of Guy Debord on the 2020 RNC • Don’t worry, it’s just a simulation • Or is it? • Jocasta and Archie tussle with a kulullû • The birds descend on Dufton • Morgan le Fay arrives • Sophie loses her shit • SANDMAN mortars Long Meg to dust to save reality • GRAIL TABLE dies mysteriously

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Mission Three-Colorado, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Three-Colorado, Live Session Brant Casavant

3/3 - Colorado

Mitch, Marshall, and their Midnight Crew hold a Houdini séance • It works! • Except now Mitch and Marshall are trapped in History B • “I think Houdini fucked us.” • Houdini’s ghost finds himself caught on Doug Rogo’s tape recorder • Marshall gets gored by a kusarikku • Mitch finds a magical elixir bearing his doppelgänger‘s visage • The day is saved with memetics, hypnotism, and cocaine

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Mission Three-UK, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Three-UK, Live Session Brant Casavant

3/2 - UK

URIEL gets even more suspicious of GRAIL TABLE after finding Anunnaki taint in the ORACLE simulation • Archie and Roger get a long distance call from Colorado • Roger tours Carlisle Cathedral • Archie, Charley, and the Ransoms visit Long Meg and King’s Arthur’s Round Table (the stone circle, not the real thing) • Charley has a vision of the Ontoclysm • Jocasta witnesses an unsettling bird formation

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Mission Three-Colorado, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Three-Colorado, Live Session Brant Casavant

3/1 - Colorado

Mitch and Marshall fly to Colorado for a convention of weirdos • Which is being held at the scenic Stanley Hotel • They get Mai Tais • Marshall meets Dr. HipPocrates, a former spook looking for work • Mitch takes a tour • And finds a trap door in the ballroom • Mitch and Marshall investigate • Mitch hears someone whispering to him in … German?

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Mission Three-UK, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Three-UK, Live Session Brant Casavant

3/1 - UK

The URIEL: UK team arrives in Dufton • Behold: ORACLE! • The team visits the simulated future of the year 2020 • It’s grim • Everyone gets acquainted with their virtual personas • URIEL finds Anunnaki influence inside the simulation • And gets some pints at the pub

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Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant


Zeb arrives at the Barn for interrogation • He tells a sad tale • And exposes the field team to Anunnaki hymns • They’re kind of catchy • Nothing a little brainwashing can’t fix, though • URIEL destroys Mansa the only way it can • By making them popular with young white people • History A is saved • You’re welcome, Oakland

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Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant


The field team returns from Oakland • Roger reveals a vision of savagery and horror • Jocasta gets tactical • The team argues over methods and outcomes • Archie, Mitch, and Marshall have a talk about techniques and memetics • The field team prepares for a raid on Dominoe Records • And to abduct a certain Oldtimer

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Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant


Charley meets the Ransoms • And has a nightmare • Roger and Marshall meet their first Indigo Child • (It’s actually a second meeting for Roger, or will be) • Charley tries to put the adults at ease • URIEL discusses Mansa, Keiner, Moore, music, art and Afro-futurism • Archie delegates • Roger meets Moore • Mitch offers to buy a strange old man lunch

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Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant


Marshall goes to the Oscars • Mitch destroys an art installation • Roger and Jocasta tangle with Sebastian Keiner • He loses • Jocasta interrogates Keiner at the Barn under Marshall and Archie’s supervision • Keiner reveals he has the support of the angels • A little girl and her custodian arrive at Livermore from Granite Peak

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Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Two, Live Session Brant Casavant


An Afro-futurist psychedelic music collective called Mansa catches URIEL’s ear • Album art leads the team to a West German artist • Roger tries to educate his colleagues about race relations in America • They’re not great • Jocasta has a bad trip to the de Young • Archie reaches out to Granite Peak for support • Mitch checks the cards and doesn’t like what he sees

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Mission One, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission One, Live Session Brant Casavant


Papa Legba saves Jocasta from an explosive situation • URIEL hones in on Frank • And find school bus route maps in his apartment • Marshall spots Frank at a depot • Roger and Mitch are in pursuit! • Roger runs into car troubles • It’s a high speed chase through downtown San Francisco • Mitch incinerates Frank with his mind

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Mission One, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission One, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL finds the bomber’s father in Pittsburg, California • Turns out he’s possessed by an ekimmu • Mitch freaks • Archie conducts a rare interrogation-by-puppet • RIP Armando DiGiuseppe • The team scrambles to find Frank • Marshall handles an on-air call with the bomber

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Mission One, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission One, Live Session Brant Casavant


Jocasta reveals her discovery that the mystery bomber is a former Air Force pilot • Archie takes a call from Dr. Frank Stanton • Mitch tells the team about Emperor Norton • They’ve never heard of him • Mitch is flummoxed, not for the last time • URIEL prepares for a trip to Pittsburg, California • Mitch has a truly disturbing encounter with an old man

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