
Mission Five Brant Casavant Mission Five Brant Casavant

Jocasta Takes the Ride

He's an archetype, he's an energy, he's every weird commanding officer she had in the Natural Guard, every dad like Archie who tried his best in a terrible situation, every figure of authority who shrugged and said, “Well, we can try to do things differently and more justly buuuuut it might be tough.”

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Mission Five, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Five, Live Session Brant Casavant


Marshall delivers the goods on the INDIGO Program • URIEL debates what to do about the chip in Charley’s head • Viv settles in • Archie and Marshall field a call from Frank Stanton • Charley starts work on something called a “radio-frequency identification device”

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Mission Five, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Five, Live Session Brant Casavant


Charley and Mitch have a heart-to-heart over some late-night French fries • Charley tells Mitch about the Ghost of Harry Houdini • Charley comes clean about her fears • URIEL rallies around their Indigo Child • Roger proposes to build a Rooster House

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