Marshall Apologizes
Marshall tries thinking differently and has a candid conversation with Archie.
Things get tense at URIEL’s Monday meeting • Archie posits a correlation between Andrew Krane’s MARPA and History A’s SANDMAN • Marshall warns the team about the consequences of disloyalty • URIEL debates what to do about SCANATE and ARCNET • Archie investigates a certain Will Harman • Mitch talks land speculation with Pat Price
Melanie and Charley Talk Voodoo
“Okay, smart girl. You be the teacher. Tell me all about it. What is Voodoo?”
Mitch Climbs Loma Prieta
Mitch experiences a powerful, terrifying vision of a potential future.
Charley and Joshua Consult ORACLE
Charley and Roger — aided by a spiritual acquaintance from Roger’s time in GRAIL TABLE’s predictive future simulation — consult ORACLE.
A Wild Party
Archie, Jocasta, and Viv attend a psychedelic be-in at the apartment of Terence McKenna.
Roger Reports
Rogers updates the Archie, Marshall, and Jocasta on Mitch’s infiltration of SRI.
Conferring with Papa Legba
Viv agrees to help Roger by talking to Papa Legba on his behalf about the emergent loa, Agent 00.
URIEL Connects the Dots
URIEL explores further connections between SRI and everything else that’s been going on in the Bay Area this year.
Mitch Befriends a Cop
Mitch, who famously hates cops, finds himself with a new friend: a retired psychic cop.
Mitch Tours Silicon Valley
Mitch, taking a proactive approach, spends an afternoon driving around the South Bay, scoping out Pat Price’s properties.