URIEL figures out Carl and Richie’s nefarious plan • Mitch and Roger race to apprehend them • And get blasted through the door by an ersatz ikoter-shotgun • Jocasta takes Andy into involuntary protective custody • Viv gives her keynote speech and reading from her new book • The crowd loves it (they have no choice, she uses NLP) • Mitch and Roger get to the con floor too late • It all goes to shit
Mitch Gets Breakfast
Mitch sits down for the St. Francis Hotel’s famous continental breakfast and bumps into Richie Talbot.
Jocasta Goes for a Jog
Jocasta hits the streets, receives minimal catcalls, and discovers a commemorative metal plaque from another timeline affixed to the foundation of the St. Francis.
Charley’s Nightmare
“Morgan le Fay is here, and she looks like Charley's birth mom but nine feet tall, with great black iridescent raven's wings rising above her graceful bare shoulders. ‘Wake up, dear heart. A new world is coming, and you and your Kings are powerless to stop it.’”
Viv Meets the Special Ones
Viv finds herself drawn to a suite party hosted by Marshall’s Special Ones.
Roger infiltrates the ranks of the St. Francis’ staff • Jocasta briefly tours her first sci-fi convention • It’s not her scene • Mitch sets up audio surveillance for Viv and Andy’s suite • Archie, Andy, and Viv attend a VIP party • Archie and Andy meet, and have a strange conversation • The field team, plus Charley, evaluate the Magneta Clock
Who Named You Charley?
Archie and Charley drive home after a long day, and Charley reveals how she got her nickname.
Meet Me at the Clock
Sophie presents her findings on the Magneta Clock and URIEL prepares for insertion at the St. Francis Hotel on the eve of Westercon ‘73.
Mitch and Archie Talk Ontology
Mitch flags Archie down for a discussion about metaphysics and the war against History B over some breakfast cereal.
URIEL unpack what they’ve learned about Andy and Viv • And assess the threat posed by Westercon ‘73 • Roger and Mitch surveil the Abeilles • They seem wholesome enough • Jocasta keeps eyes on Andy • He’s a paranoid loner • Archie donates some “vintage” Star Trek merch to the Westercon ‘73 committee for auction • The team tries to connect the dots
A Meeting of the Dungarees
URIEL’s management meets to discuss the latest developments in their investigation of Andrew Krane, Genevieve Abeille, and the mysterious RFK ‘72 posters.
A Conversation Between Friends
Andy and Viv check in before their upcoming weekend at Westercon ‘73.