Viv’s Session with Archie
Viv and Archie sit down for an initial, introductory evaluation.
Charley and Archie discover a hidden device at the Ransom house • URIEL debates what to do about the chip in Charley’s head • Marshall cautions the team about what sort of people they’re dealing with at SANDMAN • Mitch reads his cards and threatens Houdini • “Ehrich, I know you can hear me.” • Charley saves the Ghost of Harry Houdini, again • Roger and Mitch destroy the chip
Archie and Marshall Go for a Walk
Marshall and Archie have an impromptu executive conversation on the way to the Livermore cafeteria.
Jocasta Takes the Ride
He's an archetype, he's an energy, he's every weird commanding officer she had in the Natural Guard, every dad like Archie who tried his best in a terrible situation, every figure of authority who shrugged and said, “Well, we can try to do things differently and more justly buuuuut it might be tough.”
The HELIX Dossier
Major Stephen Wycliffe comes through and has a dossier filled with information on the INDIGO Program and Charley Helix couriered to Livermore.
Marshall Pulls Some Strings
Marshall works his contacts at Granite Peak to find out what he can about the INDIGO Program and a certain Charley Helix.
Mitch Tells Mary-Lynn’s Fortune
After a romantic evening at the San Jose Airport Hilton, Mitch divines Mary-Lynn’s future.
Mitch Dreams of St. Germain
Mitch dreams about a conversation with one of his least-favorite people.
Viv Visits the Mission
Marshall has Viv up to the Mission for a candid talk about her new role in URIEL.
Mitch Visits the Skyline Bar
Mitch has a date with a lounge singer. But seriously, tip your waitress.
Jocasta and Archie Talk About Charley
"It's a working, a bringing into the world something that wasn't there before. They’re trying to turn Charley into something more than human. Or less.”
Charley Makes a Break for It
Having learned that the chip in her head is nearly full, Charley attempts to make a daring escape but, coincidentally, bumps into Mitch.
Marshall Dreams of Sophie
Marshall begins his exploration into the world of oneiromancy with a dream about one of URIEL’s most suspicious members.