Cries to Legba

Cries to Papa Legba

Papa Legba, premier esprit,
Ouvre la porte!
Vos enfants attendent.
Ouvre la porte!

Papa Legba, aide de l'humanité
Ouvre la voie donc je peux passer!
Bon rhum et tabac je vous donne!
Mon corps je vous donne!

Papa Legba, Saint Pierre
Ouvre la voie pour moi,
Ouvre la porte,
Ouvre la voie!

Je suis là!
Regarde moi
à l'heure du danger!
Ne m'abandonne pas!
Et je te donnerai la richesse de la terre!

Papa Legba, Elegua,
Ouvre la voie pour moi!

Papa Legba, first among spirits,
Open the door!
Your children are waiting.
Open the door!

Papa Legba, help of humanity,
Open the Way so I may pass!
I give you good rum and tobacco!
I give you my very body!

Papa Legba, Saint Peter,
Open the Way for me,
Open the door,
Open the Way!

Here I am!
Look for me
in the hour of peril!
Do not forsake me!
And I will give you the riches of the earth!

Papa Legba, Elegua,
Open the Way for me!


Roger will also go to confession at San Pedro; not sure we need to do much more than some paragraphs of description, but it could be a scene. Even under the seal of the confessional, he won't give too much of the truth to Padre Juan-Ignacio. He'll confess to the sin of Wrath most specifically, the anger he felt towards this man he shot and who then died (the whole neighborhood knows some kind of story about it by now). But also sins of lying, both direct and by omission.

Roger will could use a bit of Archie’s help translating Voudon into SANDMAN AAR terms; that’s about the only alteration. “Induced something something to gain access to increased abilities.” He’s still a little shy about how the Man judges all this stuff. While still the Man, Archie seems closer to understanding compartmentalizing one’s religious life from the Man.


Mitch feels kind of bad about not feeling worse about burning Frank up. He'll be sure to lay out in his report how he knew there was a risk involved in confronting and chasing the way he did, but he felt like it was worth it since Frank was walking around with knowledge of multiple glyphs. He'll also explain that his plan, such as it was, if his more-potent pyrokinesis hadn't kicked in would have been to use the less-potent version he has better control over to incapacitate Frank.

(This is an alteration of the facts in the sense that Mitch didn't really have a plan at the time, he's ascribing more deliberation to himself after the fact)


If Mitch had a plan, Roger’s glad to hear it; kinda a relief. Mitch did sound like he had one at the time, a bit of a surprise, but believable. Roger wouldn’t report anything contradictory.

Roger reports that the unexpected issue requiring commandeering of a civilian car will be FULLY (underlined) investigated and never repeated.


I think the main thing Jocasta was going to do in the immediate aftermath was coordinate with our FBI friends to make sure we covered any SANDMAN exposure.

Beyond that, she'll probably do some downtime activities: take a few nights off and blitz her brain with acid, update her sketch diary with highlights of the case, cruise around the Bay Area one evening restlessly looking for eye-in-the-pyramid symbology (thus both fulfilling her private obsessions and researching whether the meme has taken hold), and maybe buying Roger that bottle of rum she promised.

Assuming there are no objections from the rest of her team or whoever she reports to, Jocasta's going to feed the FBI guys the agreed-on story of Frank being a disturbed vet who became radicalized, lost control of his senses, and self-immolated after the bombing but before doing further harm. She'll 100% keep any kind of supernatural shadings out of the story. Beyond that, she'll turn over everything — including the money, physical evidence, the body, and everything else (with exceptions; see below) to Padden and Hall, and will in general do all she can to flatter them, talk up the hard work they did, give them full credit for the collar, etc. She'll basically downplay the idea that it was connected to anything greater and tell them that, after close review, Frank wasn't connected to the ASA case she'd been sent to investigate. She wants to keep them on really good terms without leaving them with any nagging questions about the case.

Exceptions: We should absolutely keep anything (the paper, the envelope, the old man's shirt, etc.) with an active glyph on it. Also, if, during her inspection of the evidence and/or Frank's belongings, anything triggered her psychometry ability or stood out as having occult or SANDMAN-relevant significance, we should hold on to that too.

Jo also definitely wants to take out Roger and kill that bottle of rum for saving her from getting plastered all over the flophouse. She also wants to talk to Archie for a bit about how she's coping at URIEL — she feels a bit like she's fucking things up and has had at least one flip-out and she just wants to talk about how she's fitting in. (Also, without revealing the depths of her obsessions, she's going to note her coping mechanism of making drawings and sketches of everything and make sure that isn't a security issue.). I'm still a little unclear in a meta sense of who Jo reports to, but Archie is probably the person she trusts most.


Marshall will work on developing the cover story for the last session, which will basically be that Frank was a disturbed veteran who had developed a dangerous drug habit after returning to California from Vietnam, had fallen in with some fringe political and religious groups, and who thought he could save his father's life by sacrificing children. Ultimately his plan to blow up a school bus worth of children was stopped by the valiant efforts of the FBI in conjunction with DOD; when cornered in one of the historically black neighborhoods of San Francisco, Frank revealed himself to be wearing a vest-bomb, which he detonated rather than face arrest.


All right. Let's get the after-action stuff kicked off. We're going to begin with a roll to see how well the cover story Marshall has concocted works out. Given the fact we've got the San Francisco FBI pretty well-cowed with all the mysterious Army Intelligence stuff that Jocasta was up to, this shouldn't prove too difficult. Jocasta and Archie are going to aid this roll using the aid rules (+2 for a critical success, +1 for a success, -1 for a failure, -2 for a critical failure). Jocasta will roll Law (U.S.) and Archie will roll Propaganda.

When both those aid rolls are done, we'll have Marshall roll Expert Skill (Memetics). You're not going to be crafting a Anunnaki source code-powered meme here (I mean, unless you want to), just using ordinary memetic techniques. This will determine how well the cover story settles in. We'll then figure out how you can bolster this with a media appearance. I may have Archie aid you with his ad/network contacts and a Merchant roll. Mostly because I still think it was funny that Archie got a critical failure on his Merchant roll last time.


>>>> SUCCESS by 10


Not a critical, but still a resounding success. Marshall puts together the final narrative of the case for law enforcement and more importantly the media, with Jocasta and Archie’s help.

What this basically means is that the entire week of events — the original Zodiac-like letter, the threats to the schools, and Frank’s “self-” immolation, fade into the background of early 1970s San Francisco political Weirdness, just more noise in a cacophony of similar events. But no one (but the bad guy) got hurt, no kids got taken, the good guys in dark suits won like they always do.

More importantly, since you used Memetics for it, it’ll be self-sustaining, and with Archie’s meme to not worry about kook letter-writers already out there in the noosphere, it’s a perfect one-two punch of “Go Back To Sleep.” Expertly executed.


Mitch Visits Mt. Shasta

