
Did Jo want to show off her "new tricks" to Marshall at some point, Leonard? If Jo and Marshall wanted to banter sometime in September, that's a scene that would require less input from me and could run alongside Roger/Charley.


One morning, around 10AM, when Marshall and Jocasta are both at Livermore, Marshall is tending to some paperwork when a vision seizes his mind like a bolt from the blue. Immediately, his whole field of vision is taken up by an image from Jocasta’s sketchbook, drawn by her increasingly distinctive hand. It’s an image of Jo herself, concentrating, and flowing out of her head are images, words, shapes, dreams. They arc outward like radio waves into the heads of others: Roger, the Librarian, Archie, Mary-Lynn. Written over the drawing in thick black letters: “HELLO MARSHALL I CAN DO THIS NOW”.

The image fades after only a few seconds, but it’s seared into Marshall’s memory as if he’d seen it in a book he just read.


Marshall stops what he’s doing and blinks. Can he see Jocasta from where he is in the office?


I forget some of the specifics of the URIEL office layout, but she is simply sitting at a cubicle doing some research. If Marshall can see her from where he is, she gives him a slight smile.


Marshall walks over carrying several papers. He tosses them lightly on the table before Jocasta. “Why am I filling out these forms when you’re just over here doodling, Jocasta?” he says good-naturedly. He takes a seat. “So what is this? You can … opposite remote view? Just with me or with anyone?”


"It's something I've been working on since Shasta. You remember? Roger was back in the jungle...and I was, uh, somewhere else. Ever since then I've been meditating, developing my ability to reach out to people," she responds, holding up the same drawing that just dropped into Marshall's mind. "I can't really control it that well yet. I have to meditate first, and it's pretty tiring. I don't know if I can do it with more than one person, or at distance; it works better the more I know someone, and the closer they are to me. But I can talk to people, send them images too. Might come in handy."


He tilts back in the chair. “That mountain. Strange — the fallout of what happened there. Mitch first, with the psychic surgery or whatever he did with Roger. Now you.”


"I hadn't made the connection, but you're not wrong," Jocasta considers. "Ever since the mountain I've been working on things, trying to make the future I saw not come to pass. I'm sure you'll remind me that I'm wasting my time, fighting an illusion again," she smiles. "Anyway, it might be useful if we need to get a message to Roger...or to Sophie, for that matter, if we think she's coming back. I'll keep working at it. Keeps me busy so I don't have to do paperwork."


Mitch Meets Bigfoot


Mitch and Marshall Get Drinks