Jo Gets a Surprise Invite


Around 8 o'clock, right around when a rerun of Gunsmoke comes on KPIX-TV Channel 5, Jo's phone rings. “Carolyn! Hi there, it's Terence.”


"Terence! What an unexpected pleasure. How have you been?"


"My mind, dear Carolyn, continues to the blown in the aftermath of that amazing gathering at the St. Francis and the trail of enchantment in whose wake I seem to continue to travel. Apologies for not getting to you sooner, of course. Research and summer teaching and... consulting have made for a busy couple of weeks."

"I'm calling because Ev and I would be delighted to have you and Ms. Abeille over on Friday night for some libations, a rap session about the universe and our place in it, and maybe some … amateur mycological explorations. I recall saying something at that... very nice, very square ad man's barbecue about explaining what's I think is going to happen in the next six months? Well, my recent research seems to have come up cherries on that front and I thought it'd be groovy to see what you and Genevieve might think of what I've discovered. Ev is, of course, a delightful conversational partner but... the more the merrier, you know?"


"Absolutely. I dig. That sounds just delightful! Let me call Genevieve and see if she's free, and I'll get back to you, but I'm quite eager to hear what your research has yielded. We'll see you Friday, hopefully!"


"Perfect. Bring some vino if you wish, but the products of our herb garden will be available for the delectation of you and lovely Viv." Terence is very careful about talking about drugs on the phone; no amateur he. "And … Carolyn. That man who held the barbecue … your boss? If I told you I thought he was … important somehow, would you think I was crazy?"


"Not at all. He's a big wheel in the puppet world."


For once, Terence is speechless. "Puppet … world? Listen, maybe I'm being silly here but … do you think he'd accept an invite over to our pad on Friday night too?"


"Well, as my old dad used to say, it can't hurt to ask. I'll extend the invite. Archie is a bit square — he's not a fan of the new kind of gardening — but he loves to tell stories and he loves to hear stories."


"Your dad had the right idea, Carolyn. And telling stories, well, that's what this old soul of a Celtic bard right here is all about. We'll see you and … whomever you end up bringing on Friday. Hasta luego, Ms. Preston."


Mitch Gets Interviewed


Jocasta and Marshall Discuss the Needle