Marshall and Archie Set the Bait


I think instead of doing a formal flashback to the moment in LA you two decided to pull this idea as I had mentioned last week, we can intersperse some of that rationale in this scene. But mostly I want to get a sense of what the report will look like and what specific memetics you'll both use to try and get the Right People to notice the report and Marshall's OZYMANDIAS hangout. Given both of you in-character have plenty of deep background now on how OZYMANDIAS acts and believes, there will be bonuses aplenty when we finally do the rolls for this.


So using Archie’s Ants at a Picnic Model, I think we’ll need at least three layers. The first layer is the mundane report — Marshall reporting Archie as a potential security risk based on their argument at Chasen’s (but also peppering in a few other incidents, real and fictitious, for background, so the fight doesn’t seem like it’s coming out of nowhere). The third or “deepest” layer would be the use of certain phrases or ideas that would flag Marshall as a potential OZYMANDIAS sympathizer. Not sure what those would be — whatever they are we can’t lay them on too thick because that would seem obvious. But we’re going to need a second or “middle” meme to conceal the “deep” meme, because the people reading the report will be skilled memeticists and psychologist types. So there needs to be a meme in there that makes them think, “Ah, Marshall is reporting Archie because of XYZ motive,” so that they think they’ve “caught” the “real” meme and won’t dig deeper.

But I’m not sure what that middle meme would be. And of course I want to hear what Rob and Archie think — or if they have a better or more original idea.

In addition to the report, I had an idea for another salvo in this memetic operation which is to have Archie use his contacts in the press to get Marshall profiled in a newspaper or magazine where he could talk about his ideas on “human potential,” how people need to stop trying to fix the world and instead fix themselves, etc. Help work up his cred with OZY that way.


(So it's a nested series of motivations: Marshall is reporting Archie because Archie is acting out, but really it's because X, but secretly that's only because Marshall is trying to be a good OXYMANDIAS candidate, but deep down that's because Marshall is in cahoots with Archie to infiltrate OZYMANDIAS for URIEL, and the goal is that the memereaders in Utah stop at X, right? Maybe X is that Marshall has personal antipathy towards Archie and has goaded him towards treason, maybe because Archie is a married family man and Marshall lacks that kind of close family support and resents seeing it in someone else.)


and the goal is that the memereaders in Utah stop at X, right?

Yes, exactly! We want whoever reads the report to reach a particular nesting doll and be like, "Ah, makes sense," and then stop opening the dolls.

That could, yes, just personal antipathy between them. In the original PC creation matrix thing we came up with at the start of the game, Archie and Marshall did identify each other as kind of rivals, kind of not liking each other. And presumably the esmologists and analysts at SANDMAN knew they wouldn't get along. So maybe that intermediate nesting doll is just "Ha, these two losers hate each other and Marshall is trying to throw his boss under the bus because that's the kind of dick he is."


(So it's a nested series of motivations: Marshall is reporting Archie because Archie is acting out, but really it's because X, but secretly that's only because Marshall is trying to be a good OXYMANDIAS candidate, but deep down that's because Marshall is in cahoots with Archie to infiltrate OZYMANDIAS for URIEL, and the goal is that the memereaders in Utah stop at X, right? Maybe X is that Marshall has personal antipathy towards Archie and has goaded him towards treason, maybe because Archie is a married family man and Marshall lacks that kind of close family support and resents seeing it in someone else.)

(The idea of Marshall looking at Archie's life and family with envy but not admitting it to himself reminds me of this bit from The Silence of the Lambs; I wonder sometimes how or if Marshall would or could profile himself.)


It strikes me that this is sort of the perfect memetic op for Marshall and Archie to tackle in a combined way because you have Marshall, whose knowledge of memetics and psychology is more "person-to-person, everyone is an individual," whereas Archie is more knowledgeable about spreading ideas among large groups. So it's like, Marshall can design the "hook" and Archie can design the "reel."


The synthesis of their psychosocial approaches that they've had real authentic arguments about in the past, precisely

And what individual subjects would Marshall know better than counterintelligence analysts at SANDMAN, most of whom are likely CIA, and the OZYMANDIAS mindset, which of course he's already steeped in thanks to human potential.


The family angle is really good. It would also explain why Marshall is always asking after Archie's family.


Yeah, and he's been so concerned (and genuinely helpful) re Melanie.

Great stuff, all.

You can even think of Archie and Marshall each having their own set of nested motivations, their own nesting dolls or memetic onions: Archie is having a crisis of conscience, ethical qualms about SANDMAN

... but in large apart this crisis is driven by his feelings about Charley, how she's been treated and what's going to happen to her

... but it's also really about Charlie's death, he's still not over his guilt and grief and now suspects SANDMAN of killing him, which is crazy, right? Marshall has doubts about Archie's loyalty, commitment to the program (while Marshall is a true believer)

... but also there's a rivalry between them and Marshall's too ambitious to be his #2 forever (which makes him good OZYMANDIAS material)

... but also Marshall resents / is jealous of Archie's family life (as above)

And while I do not think I have the chops - acting, writing, or psychological - to do justice to it, just imagine the scene as Marshall and Archie sit down to craft all these memes: Having to talk all this out and say "ok, so let's tweak this word choice here to subtly suggest your life is cold and empty" "yes, and let's turn this phrase to make you look vacillating and weak." Just having this cold and clinical discussion that's also weirdly intimate and perceptive.

We might also add some nudges as to what to do about URIEL. Like, Archie's willing to let the chips fall where they may, but it is to our advantage if Granite Peak's reaction to all this is: "Ransom's cracking up, let's let this weird URIEL experiment play out and see what he does next" and not "Ransom's lost it, time to roll up the freaks and put a bullet in his brain."

But we really do need to have a light touch with these. Can't let it be discovered that that's what we're up to. Probably best if Marshall does the actual Memetics creation (aided by Archie). So if they tweak that this report is memetically-loaded, they'll just think Marshall did this (wow, this guy is really keen to get in to the inner circle, I like that gumption) and not that Archie was involved.


Based on what we’ve seen of OZY’s tools, they do like ambitious, egotistical strivers. Maybe Marshall needs to show a bit more hunger for power/fame as motives. Maybe show signs of elitism in judging Archie.


Question... are Archie and Marshall going to have Stoney in the room for the final design of the payload?


Marshall likes Director Stone and he'd probably be helpful to have around.


I know the backstory was that he was involved with the initial idea in LA.

Just having this cold and clinical discussion that's also weirdly intimate and perceptive. Picturing the camera going back and forth between Archie and Marshall and then suddenly there's a slow zoom on Stoney

Designing a Meme:

1. Evaluating the audience (SANDMAN internal affairs and OZYMANDIAS): MoS 8

a. Archie/Stoney rolls an aid roll: Intelligence Analysis-21. That roll will modify...

b. Marshall's evaluation roll: Current Affairs (SANDMAN)-16. I know this isn't Marshall's highest skill in the audience evaluation bucket but it is the most appropriate, so it reflects us micro-targeting just the bits of SANDMAN/OZYMANDIAS we want to hit.

2. Crafting the campaign: MoS 11

a. Archie/Stoney rolls an aid roll: Expert Skill (Memetics)-21. That roll will modify...

b. Marshall's crafting roll: Propaganda-17.

So Rob can roll both his 21 rolls first and then we can figure out the modifiers and have Marshall roll his pair of rolls. The average margin of success on Marshall's rolls will be the meme's baseline Power. I'm probably going to have Marshall roll Politics to inject the meme into SANDMAN; that will reflect his finding the right desk to get this on at Internal Affairs and thus boost the meme's effectiveness in doing what we want it to. We can then decide what Power to release the meme at.


7 added to Archie's Intelligence Analysis roll 2 added to Archie's Expert Skill (Memetics) roll 1 added to Marshall's Propaganda roll x added (between 4 and 6?) for Power of "Marshall is Ambitious and Hates Archie" meme 10 added for Power of "Marshall is prime OZYMANDIAS material" meme (Marshall and Archie will split this Corruption equally, with any odd leftover Corruption going to Marshall as meme crafter.)


Yes, let's get Stoney in on it. Gotta get those sweet +3s. Now, which of these rolls can be boosted with Corruption? And do I remember right that if you spend some level of Corruption up front, that gives you the option to spend more after you roll to modify it?


You are correct. I'm pretty sure since we're using source code memetics here, every single roll is eligible for Corruption, lucky you. And yes, if you spend 1 Corruption prior to dice rolling, you can spend as much as needed after the roll to boost it to get criticals.


Ok, I'll spend 1 Corruption on roll 1a now

>>>> SUCCESS by 8


So that's a success which will give Marshall a +1 to his Current Affairs (SANDMAN) roll. To get him a +2 bonus (critical) will cost 6 more Corruption.


I'll pay the 6.


Okay, Marshall's Current Affairs (SANDMAN) roll is now at effective skill 18.


>>>> SUCCESS by 8


Success by 8, pretty damn good.

And now the design. Expert Skill (Memetics) for Archie/Stoney at a 21 to aid.


I'll again spend 1 Corruption as we all pretend our real feelings are fake, wilderness of mirrors


[Stoney intensifies]

[You know, when Stoney gets up to a 5-point Disad and starts to nudge Archie like BOB inside Evil Cooper, don't say I didn't warn ya]

Rob MacD used /roll


>>>> SUCCESS by 13




Ooh, nice. Only need 1 more Corruption to get it to 6 and a crit.


Definitely. So that's 1+6+1+1=9 total for Archie?


I remember back in Missions 1 and 2 when Archie was SO obsessive about memetic hygiene and now the alien wizard from a fake made-up scifi world is just hanging out over lunch planning memetic campaigns... our boy has come so far, sniff


"The memes are good! Well, evil. But good."


Okay, now Marshall's Propaganda roll is a 19. Any Corruption before the roll, Brant?


Yeah I'll drop 1 to start.

>>> SUCCESS by 11


Yep, that's a success by 11. Average of 8 and 11 is 9.5, I think that rounds up to 10.

Since we've explicitly designed a "nested" meme, here's what I'm thinking and please bear with me as it's a little complicated:

The top-level meme, the standard "deviancy from orthodoxy" SANDMAN report, is just a very well-written SANDMAN snitch report. Marshall knows the Politics, knows the Current Affairs at SANDMAN, dots all the i's and crosses all the t's, it's effectively a Power 0 meme, it's just convincing and calm, with no source code embedded in it.

The mid-level meme, showing off Marshall's (perceived) insecurities re: Archie and his perfect unblemished life and URIEL-number-one-ness and his ambition to get to the top (buttressed by Marshall's recent striving for SANDMAN Rank), gets released at a Power 4-6, somewhere in that neighborhood. This is the meme that should catch most of the really astute memeticists at the Peak and in OZYMANDIAS. It shows that Marshall is strong, ambitious, creative, and maybe most importantly a good enough memeticist to take Archie's place if SANDMAN decides to retire him. But they'll think the meme also betrays enough of Marshall's weaknesses to make him pliable, obvious, and useful to SANDMAN/OZYMANDIAS going forward.

Finally, maybe you do release the "I want to be part of OZYMANDIAS" layer of the meme at maximum Power 10. This should be, for high-Will (14+) OZYMANDIAS members, catnip, but get completely ignored by any non-OZYMANDIAS Sandmen. To resist a 11 or 12 Power meme like that and even be able to tell it's there after it's blown your mind, you'd need to roll a natural 3 or maybe 4 if you're at a Will 16, pretty much.

So what this means is that the two of you would split something like Power 5 plus Power 10 Corruption for making and dropping this memeplex. The Politics roll can boost that effectiveness with a success (+1) or critical success (+2) for free.

Okay, Politics and I'm gonna give you a bonus from Current Affairs (SANDMAN) here, Politics-20. Corruption available.


>>>> SUCCESS by 4

well, another +1 at least


Yep, Effective Power will be x+1 for the middle meme and 11 for the OZYMANDIAS bait meme. You and @Rob MacD need to decide what level to release the middle meme at and I can assess the ol' Corruption and we can let this loose into the SANDMAN noosphere.


so is there a reason why we wouldn’t want to just want to max out the power of the middle meme, at like a 6?


No, I only proposed that range so it would be likely to suck in some but not all of the Sandmen who might read the memo. You can take it as high as you like!


let's go with a 6 because I can't imagine this report is going to be read by too many people so we want to make sure it hits the people who did


Cool. So we'll split another 8 Corruption total for dropping the memeplex itself between Archie and Marshall. 7 added to Archie's Intelligence Analysis roll 2 added to Archie's Expert Skill (Memetics) roll 1 added to Marshall's Propaganda roll 6 added for Power of "Marshall is Ambitious and Hates Archie" meme 10 added for Power of "Marshall is prime OZYMANDIAS material" meme (Marshall and Archie will split this Corruption equally, with any odd leftover Corruption going to Marshall as meme crafter.) Archie: +17 Corruption Marshall: +9 Corruption Huh, when you look at it that way, it's like Archie, Marshall and Stoney all shared in the Corruption equally.


team work makes the dream work


201 Files updated btw

hell yeah baby Corrupt me zaddies


so like, is it possible to just keep accumulating corruption and succeeding on the Will rolls, or eventually does a certain amount of corruption "auto-convert" to a Quirk?


At 125 it's up to me as GM whether to give you a 5-point Disad.


oh snap

so it's kind of to one's advantage to fail the Quirk roll at some point


One could argue that, yes.

Although eventually multiple Quirks can be just as tough to deal with as a 5-pointer—maybe not in strict game terms since 5+ point Disads usually have die rolls like Self-Control attached to them—but you guys are so dedicated to playing your flaws that so many Quirks would start making a PC unlikeable or untrustworthy in more contexts.

So I suppose with the Ransom Dossier in hand, Marshall can have it rush airteled to Utah with the Air Force overnight out of Travis AFB (the "Gateway to the Pacific") and see what happens on Tuesday as a result.


A Date with Reinhardt


Plans and Visions