Operation CANNABIS
URIEL abducts and interrogates Owl catspaw Louis Jolyon West and in the process discover much of the Secret History of the first quarter-century of the Cold War.
Marshall and Archie Set the Bait
Marshall and Archie design the memes that (they hope) will lure OZYMANDIAS into their trap.
A Call from Jolly West
Marshall gets a surprise call from the leader of LA’s SANDMAN team about he and Archie’s recent trip.
Marshall and Archie Return to La La Land
Archie and Marshall return to Los Angeles for a wide-ranging investigation into Venture Toons, Agrigenics, and Mitch’s doppelgänger.
The HELIX Dossier
Major Stephen Wycliffe comes through and has a dossier filled with information on the INDIGO Program and Charley Helix couriered to Livermore.
Marshall Pulls Some Strings
Marshall works his contacts at Granite Peak to find out what he can about the INDIGO Program and a certain Charley Helix.