Archie has a meeting with the Voice of Control • A deal is tentatively reached • Charley stops the Indians from singing using mad science • And delves into the inner astral • Roger communes with the dead • Morris gets shot • He’ll live • Roger and Charley close the subduction zone at Point One • The A Team finds a strange Sumerian hut deep in the West Virginian hills
Lady Alexandrine
Roger does some paperwork before seeking counsel from Lady Erzulie Dantòr at Judy’s Shrimp Shack.
Status Report Two
Operation summary report from ALLOCHTHON central command for the morning of Wednesday, October 10, 1973.
Status Report One
A review of where things stand in the Cold War against the Kings as of Tuesday, October 9, 1973.
Roger at Point 1
Roger arrives in Biloxi, where he introduces his new team mate to Papa Legba.