Status Report Two

WED 10 OCT 1973


Bullet point headlines:

  • ALLOCHTHON HQ memetics has begun releasing memes to control fear over the war in the Middle East/possible domestic disruption. Consensus from many of the teams' taishers were that pan-social fear over war and disruption from the Middle East conflict would help power these subduction zones, so mass media will do its best to offer space for countermemetics to help reduce the overall tension and fear. Esmologists are confident that absent an unmistakable ratcheting up of tensions, current memetic levels should be enough to counteract geopolitical fear the Enemy could take advantage of.

  • The subduction zone at Point 10, closest to Huntsville, has begun to definitively shrink overnight (by the EM readings); a program of "controlled chemical defoliation" has reduced the Enemy's ability to hide in the forest near Point 10 and esmologists believe whatever They were planning necessitated glyphic and/or mundane invisibility.

  • On the UFO front, overnight newspaper reports from southwest Ohio and southern Indiana of UFO sightings, now close enough to the ground for witnesses on terra firma to witness. A cop in French Lick, a late-night shift worker in Evansville, and two kids in Xenia, Ohio. These reports were part of the overall briefing package sent from ALLOCHTHON HQ in Huntsville overnight. Huntsville personnel and personnel from Point 8 outside Dayton are headed to each of these three towns to interview these witnesses.

Orders from the HQ CO's at Point 1 (Roger and Joe) and Point 9 (Jo and Charley) are for field agents to continue gathering HUMINT and seeing if there is any further, stronger evidence of irruption or subduction, but at the morning briefings it's made clear that a larger memetic campaign out of Huntsville to bring down the sociopolitical emotional heat around each of the subduction zones is well-underway. The tech folks are continuing to take readings in the hopes that what happened at Point 10 can be repeated elsewhere (although obviously not with the same exact defoliation strategy).

At Point 7 on Wednesday morning, the morning Ohio papers are waiting for Archie and Marshall and it's clear from the fnords in all of them that the memes have been deployed to get people proud about America (and Ohio) saving Israel's ass; yes, many of the papers are running Page 1 above-the-fold wire stories on the reports of the Soviets doing airlifts into Syria and Egypt (and more than a few Page 3-4 stories about the possibility of gas rationing) but abutting those heds are reassuring headlines about Ohio's military bases and contractors being more than ready for anything the Reds might dish out. Rumors are swirling around Agnew of course, and the other big headlines include stories about the Reds (the Cincinnati ones, not the Russian ones) beating the Mets last night and off-year elections in Ohio in a few weeks.


Living and Dying in Cairo, Illinois


The Underwater Panther