
Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


URIEL reassembles • And quickly splits up again • The field team investigates the site of a future controversial landmark in Georgia • Marshall has a conversation with Mystic Kate • OPEC declares an oil embargo • The field team arrives in Newark, Ohio • Jocasta finds herself at the other end of a causal time loop

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Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant Mission Eight, Live Session Brant Casavant


Archie and Marshall blanket the Columbus noosphere with patriotic memetics to sedate a nervous populace • Jocasta tells Charley what she’s learned about southern Illinois • Charley investigates the Kincaid mounds • And invents motion-detection technology • Then she travels into the Deep Astral • Mitch bears witness to a mass proxy baptism, of sorts

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