Watch the Skies!

ALLOCHTHON Rapid Response White Paper:
“Keep Watching the Skies! A memetic analysis of the UFO overmyth,”
by Kendrick Mead: Head of Field Memetics, Operation ALLOCHTHON

Given the high-altitude Ufo encounters that Project personnel have experienced since the outset of the ALLOCHTHON subduction events, the first instances of near-ground Ufo sightings during this subduction event, the observations of various psis, taishers and chevals over the past 48-72 hours, and the US government's quarter-century of dealing with "the saucer menace," ALLOCHTHON HQ thought it would be useful to brief personnel who have not dealt with the Ufo "factor" up to this point in their work to have a theoretical summa of the Ufo phenomenon, its origins, its memetic profile, and how the Enemy might use such sightings to their advantage.

The history of Ufo phenomena can be split neatly into two eras: before 1947, and after. Before 1947 the memetic legendarium around fairy folk, abductions into the hollow earth, and other encounters with liminal, mischievous spirits are believed to have been caused by one or more of the following factors: 1) hallucinations, either endogenous or exogenous; 2) natural phenomena (electromagnetic fields causing temporal lobe seizures); 3) manmade phenomena (advanced experimental aircraft); 4) memetic infection (witch crazes, episodes of mass hysteria); 5) Anunnaki-derived phenomena (subduction zones, hallucinations/false memories caused by glyphics, History B technology and/or reality shards). Given the fact that the specific accidents of these "alien-contact" phenomena (type of entities, visual appearance of the "otherworld" experiencers visit, etc.) historically have been unique to a certain individual or a local population area, but since the development of mass media the phenomenon has seemingly coalesced around a single "flying saucer" mythotype (admittedly, with sizeable variations), we can only deduce that the central common template elements of the Ufo narrative — uncanny sights, strange sounds, witnessing of a mystical vehicle and/or alien beings, and an "abduction" where the human experiencer is taken to a place of power for the alien entities—are a meme complex (or memeplex) implanted in humanity during the Kings' genetic, cerebral, and neurolinguistic engineering of human rootstock pre-Ontoclysm.

This memeplex has marked similarities with the divine contact experience (also believed to reside in the so-called "God module" in the human brain which the Anunnaki tampered with) with the exception that the alien experience features entities often with no official religious affiliation and the alien experience more often features inexplicable, out-of-place, uncanny phenomena that are dissimilar from the typical displays of a deity's lordly power meant to awe the witness in a deity experience. The alien experience rather discomfits the witness or experiencer. Seemingly physical vehicles make impossible changes in trajectory and momentum. An alien with no human characteristics suddenly shows off a "turned-off" human body to a witness, saying they are one and the same. Commands of a mystical nature are given (usually in a markedly un-idiomatic version of the experiencer's native language) that seem to make no logical sense. "Contactees," as they were called in the 1940s and '50s, commonly were given a charge to "help save the planet Earth from destruction at the hands of humanity," echoing mundane anti-nuclear (or later, ecological) memeplexes.

Major Ufo flaps since 1947 have tended to occur at times of mass esmological, sociopolitical instability. Like the appearance of previously-unknown comets over historical subduction events/historical events of import, lights in the sky since World War II have accompanied major nuclear tests (1947), regional wars (1952, 1967), and changes in the international balance of security (1957).

Preliminary conclusions: It cannot be said with certainty whether the Ufo sightings since Kenneth Arnold in the summer of 1947 are all active manifestations of enemy action; however, many of the experiences from the literature are suggestive of active enemy memetic payloads, especially messages about preserving the Earth from ruin. But some Ufo experiences are likely memetic echoes from the pre-1947 era, random neurolinguistic misfires which use the long-ago implanted alien/otherworld contact meme as a template.

If we consider the "alien contact" meme then as an Anunnaki-designed carrier wave, underneath which any sort of undergirding message could be transmitted — verbal, glyphic, emotional, even memory/history-altering — we can see why this meme might begin to mutate and flare up with periods of mass emotional disturbance. Onto the blank surface of "the saucers," the Anunnaki once projected their own agendas for humanity: powerful emotional aggregates of awe and duty. With the Anunnaki now tenuously trying to live again, the saucers live on without them... as harbingers for humanity's fear of collapse.


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