Archie has a meeting with the Voice of Control • A deal is tentatively reached • Charley stops the Indians from singing using mad science • And delves into the inner astral • Roger communes with the dead • Morris gets shot • He’ll live • Roger and Charley close the subduction zone at Point One • The A Team finds a strange Sumerian hut deep in the West Virginian hills
Creeping Towards Danger
Forewarned by Maman Brigitte, URIEL races to find Marshall before he cocks everything up.
Watch the Skies!
Kendrick Mead, Head of Field Memetics for ALLOCHTHON, distributes a white paper about the UFO memeplex.
Marshall and Archie at Point 7
Marshall and Archie introduce themselves to their assigned team in Ohio, and then visit a cornfield with bad vibes.
URIEL arrives in Huntsville, AL • It’s a Sandman convention! • Archie and Marshall have a curious conversation with Dr. Hilary Postel • Kendrick Mead and Dr. Sidney Gottlieb explain the situation • Charley takes a sneak peek at some confidential data • URIEL is disbanded and dispatched to various parts of the USA
Marshall at Granite Peak
Marshall visits humanity’s bastion against the Red Kings, Granite Peak, to interrogate Sebastian Keiner.