Sebastian Keiner

You think my paintings are calm, like windows in some cathedral? You should look again. I’m the most violent of all the American painters. Behind those colours there hides the final cataclysm. Yes, painting is a moral activity alright. Some people think [Arshile] Gorky was violent, or Bill [Willem] de Kooning, but there’s a latent violence in my art. Look again!

Mark Rothko

West German artist, agent of the Red Kings, and former deep cover asset affiliated with the Stasi. He came to the United States in the role of a visiting scholar at Berkeley, and his work – which included a room-sized box called Beth-El that acted as a sort of gateway to History B – was exhibited at the De Young. He also collaborated with Mansa in creating artwork for two of their albums, including their most recent record, Ikenga.

Keiner possesses a degree of knowledge about History B and a modicum of talent in using the Anunnaki's various mind-control tools, the product of extensive indoctrination and training by the Stasi and the GZ. After he was apprehended by URIEL, he confessed to visiting an alternate world where he would commune with “angels.”

After his interrogation, URIEL shipped Keiner to Granite Peak. Under the supervision of Dr. E. Mansfield Gunn, Keiner was subjected to various extreme forms of interrogation abetted by invasive neurological modification. Basically, he was tortured. Marshall saved him from all that after interviewing him about the identity of “Red Hat,” an agent of the Red Kings whom Mitch had divined was still at large.