Archie Confronts Kendrick


Rob, Hearing-16 roll for Archie. It will be penalized for distance and walls. (This is to hear the gunshot.)


(Whether he hears it or not, Special Rapport with Charley might tell Archie that Some Shit Is Going Down — but he kind of knew that already. Anyway, rolling now)



I mean, perfect really. Hell, you and Kendrick might be so oblivious we might actually be able to seal the Enthrallment (Persuade) deal before all the stuff in the back hallway is over.

But regardless, yes, Special Rapport, there's a sickening sinking in Archie's stomach from Charley, then a glitch in time, then just a feeling of urgency.

Do you want to roll Enthrallment (Persuade)-15 now vs. Kendrick's Will? Corruption available, of course.


I think that mostly confirms Archie/Stoney's over-confident sense that he was right to send them in there. And he has faith in the team. So for the next second at least he will continue working on Kendrick Mead. Should I roll Enthrallment? I'm thinking Enthrallment (Sway Emotions) to make him feel betrayed/paranoid, and conversely grateful/friendly to Archie, but I could see a case for Persuade or Suggest (it's all the same skill level).


Persuade is the quickest option, for sure, and will have the most immediate impact.


Cool — and can I spend the 1 Corruption that lets me spend more after rolling?


Yes indeed.

(We'll also need to tally the activation cost in Corruption, but in for a penny...)


ok, I'll spend the 1 point (and whatever else needed)

>> SUCCESS by 2


Success by 2 (Effective level 16) with the Corruption expenditure. To get it into crit range would take, let's see... 8 more Corruption?


So have I succeeded or is this like a contest between my MOS and Mead's?


It is a Quick Contest, yes, so MoS matters.

And of course Kendrick has all the SANDMAN resistances to this stuff.


Yeah, what the hell, 8 points. I'm not sure this guy is worth it, but Stoney doesn't want to fail a showdown.


Okay, so 9 total Corruption to boost, and 1d6-2 for the activation cost.


>> 2d6-2 … 2


Reaction roll with bonus made secretly, result: "Loyalty: The NPC works very hard, and risks his life if need be. Under most circumstances, he puts the PCs’ interests ahead of his own."

Kendrick Mead, his SANDMAN training collapsing in the face of overwhelming psychic channeling on Archie/Stoney's part, clears his throat and quickly rubs his eye. "Archie … what the hell has been going on on this mission? Who exactly is in charge here?"

(It will take Charley another round to get out here — she'll need to operate the electronic lock — but be ready once this round is over.)

Charley emerges into the hangar.


Seeing Archie in conversation with Kendrick, Charley runs with the narrative started by Roger on the phone just a moment ago. “Dad! We need your help! Reinhardt, Gottlieb and that Jolly guy have gone crazy! They almost killed Marshall!”


Before Charley comes out, Archie is grabbing Mead by both shoulders, staring eye to eye, saying urgently: "All your suspicions are true, Kendrick. A splinter group, in league with the enemy. Treason at the highest levels … "

He breaks off, turns to Charley as soon as she appears. "Oh heavens! Sweetheart, are you okay?"

Processes what she's saying. "Reinhardt?"

Back to Kendrick: "You see? Come with me. Pray it's not too late!"


The Redgrave Gambit


Creeping Towards Danger