Outside Lines

Natural Personality Constructs



Sophie Edelstein
"The Librarian"

  • A SANDMAN reality archaeologist. He is an elderly gentleman with a stooped posture and thinning gray hair. URIEL met him briefly when he was sent by Granite Peak to investigate the reality shard at Altamont.

  • A cultural anthropologist who operates on direct assignment from Granite Peak. He’s in his late 30s or early 40s, with a shock of red hair going white at the temples. He assisted Professor Peters at the Altamont dig.





  • An analyst and psychonaut who explored the simulated predictive future generated by ORACLE. She was found dead after URIEL thwarted Morgan le Fay’s irruption in the UK.

  • A computer programmer, systems modeler, data architect, and one of David and Catherine’s fellow researchers. He programmed the “people” in ORACLE’s simulated reality to have genuine beliefs, unwitting of the fact that the Red Kings had infected the program. Also killed at the conclusion of URIEL’s trip to the UK.



Operation URIEL

  • CIA officer and analyst. He served in Vietnam with Marshall in the 1960s; both were charter members of the Phoenix Program. Everett found himself somewhat rudderless as the war in Asia winds down. He has work to do, but none of it piques the interests he honed abroad. Everett and Marshall fell out of contact soon after Marshall was recruited into SANDMAN. The two reestablished a connection following the news coverage of the Frank DiGiuseppe incident.

The Ghost of Harry Houdini

  • Religion Editor at the San Francisco Examiner. Archie cultivated him as an asset during URIEL’s investigation of the letter sent by Frank DiGiuseppe — at that time still unidentified — to the newspaper following the Transamerica Pyramid bombing.

Special Agent Thomas Padden



Dr. Harold Puthoff

Russell Targ


Melanie Ransom

Jane Ransom

Eddie Ransom

Charlie Ransom


Finally, we may mention some relevant ideas of Sumerian mythology. The gods are characterized by a variety of forms, not all human. They are celestial in origin. In general, each is associated with a different star. In fact, in the earliest Sumerian pictographs, which preceded cuneiform writing, the symbols for god and for star are identical.

— Carl Sagan, Intelligent Life in the Universe

Šedu ("Lamas")

The šedu were the overseer caste of the Anunnakku, whose job it was to supervise humanity and rule over it. Humans have been programmed to obey the šedu, and to react to their terrible beauty with almost primal fear and worship.

Kenneth Hite
GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier

Kusarikku ("Taureans")

Immensely strong, capable of battering their way through a steel wall, the kusarikku can also rapidly heat objects or air in up to a two-yard radius by manipulating molecules with subvocalized intonations and focused mental energy.

Kenneth Hite
GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier

  • A kusarikku, or “bull-man,” whose retro-creation at the Mansa block party threatened to destabilize consensus reality. His existence was deduced by Jocasta after she followed what appeared to be a UFO resembling a “float-car” from the Mansa album cover into West Oakland, where her obsession with cryptic symbols (and a sudden attack of synesthetic hallucinations triggered by seeing the UFO) allowed her to see a repeating set of symbols festooned throughout West Oakland: a bucket and a spade.


  • Mitch and Marshall encountered this kusarikku at the Stanley Hotel while attending the Carnival of Knowledge. He (it? they?) claimed that Harry Houdini had somehow stolen one of the Anunnaki’s most secret and forbidden protocols – the ability to physically transpose himself through solid matter. Such power threatened the stability of both History A and History B, and was deemed so malign that his masters sent him to History A in the early twentieth century to destroy Houdini.

    By the time the Stanley kusarikku met Mitch and Marshall in 1973, he was a shell of his original self, weakened by decades of existence in History A and frustrated to confusion by his inability to fulfill his mission. In the end, he gravely wounded Marshall before he and Mitch were able to dispel him back to his own world-line.

Kulullû ("Pisces")

In the myths, both kulullû and fish-garbed demigods brought esoteric arts and technologies to a shore-bound mankind. As irruptors, they similarly prefer instructing and manipulating human tools to involving themselves directly in an operation or atrocity

Kenneth Hite
GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier

  • An elderly washerwoman and lifelong resident of Dufton, England. She spoke with a broad Cumberland accent, nearly unintelligible to the members of URIEL whom she met. At the height of the GRAIL TABLE crisis, the team discovered she was host to a kulullû, and had been for nigh-on 70 years. Jocasta and Archie killed the irruptor. In the process, Clodagh was badly and permanently disabled. Her long-term exposure to History B left her with memories of what happened around the River Eden before the temblor and the destruction of the original Long Meg. She’s a bit bitter about it.

  • A kulullû who manifested at the St. Francis Hotel during the Westercon temblor event. It took a woman named Madge Carson, 53, of Sausalito, California, as its host and used its mind-warping powers to convince a group of nearby con-goers (among them Edie, Archie’s son) that she was a beautiful alien princess named Queen Minerva of Deneb-IV. Roger put a bullet in the thing, though not before it snagged him with one of its psychotropic stingers.


This irruptor never takes physical form at all; it is a psychic projection that nests in a human mind. Project analysts believe the êkimmu may be a subroutine dreamed into existence by the sleeping Anunnakku and sent out to somehow influence events in our history.

Kenneth Hite
GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier


Not all of humanity’s enemies come from outside History A. Plenty of people native to our history nonetheless seek alien rule, out of short-sightedness, bitterness, or desperation.

Kenneth Hite
GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier

Puppets, Proxies & OTHERS

Agrigenics, Inc.

There is no reason why Americans cannot share in the bounty we’ve provided to struggling developing nations. These advancements will serve all of mankind in the years to come. American farmers deserve the very best technology, whether that's tractors and fertilizers or seeds and hybrids. We’ll be here for them.

Christopher Butler, on Agrigenics
Jocasta Investigates

The Summit Lighthouse

In the light of freedom I AM come!

In the light of freedom that never, never fails—I AM come!

Uriel, archangel of the living flame of freedom!

Elizabeth Clare Prophet
URIEL Meets Uriel

Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department

I bet with all your trips to Hollywood and late nights on the Johnny Carson show and 3 pm wakeup calls you probably haven't been keeping up with the fact that there’s a maniac out there killing pretty little things sticking out their thumbs on the road who happen to get picked up by the wrong driver, have you?

Det. John Atwood
A Visit from Detective Atwood

Detective John Atwood